I finally decided to tackle building the whole Southern Cross Squad from Cucuruz Doan’s Island. And after around 3 months of work I am finally done.
This was a bit of a challenge with all of the water decals, especially the commander who had about 125 total water decals. I also have decided that I’m tired of mono-colored weapons and have started painting knife and axe blades. Mono-eye = good, mono-color = not good.
And now I have a new anime to watch.
Gorgeous! The set may be an obvious cash grab, but it’s a good looking one for sure.
I had to bail partway through the set for financial reasons. Hoping to complete it one day.
Side note on other CDA kits: was anyone else disappointed by the molded colors for the Sleggar and Moroccan Front GMs? The promo pics for Sleggar looked like the chest color was on the blue side of teal (beautiful), but the molded color was squarely green (…eh). The Moroccan orange ended up coming out much duller IRL. I know they paint the example models, but usually the colors are pretty close to the plastic (or vice versa). These two just kinda left me bummed.
I mean, if making a product I want is a cash grab, I’m down for it. Sure they’re mostly the same model, but having different color separations, a generous difference in decals, and different weapons for each felt pretty good to me.
I didn’t grab the Sleggar, but I wouldn’t say I was disappointed with the Moroccan Front GM.
Man, these look great! Awesome job! Are you into making dioramas at all? Or even just buying and putting them in a light box on some stands would really put this on the next level