• Dem Bosain
    12 hours ago

    Does the beanie work though? I have a thin patch on the crown of my head. If I wore a beanie 24/7, would people know I’m going bald, or just think I’m a cool cat?

  • @Mojave
    4 hours ago

    This out of touch, wannabe skater piece of shit is one of the influencers named by the US Department of Justice for being paid by the Russian government to spread inhumane propaganda.

    He’s also the man child who got mad that the West Virginia DIY skate community didn’t want to skate with him, and then bought their skatepark out from under them.

    In his podcast, he claims he’s going to turn it into a far right conservative cultivating culture machine for skaters and youth in the area. This stupid mother fucker is so out of touch with the culture he is trying to invade, that he has no idea how much skaters tend to HATE everything about what he is doing, and why his “Boonies” park idea is floundering.

    Tim can’t slappy

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      13 hours ago

      I don’t think he’s out of touch or believes any of this. He’s willingly spreading what he knows are lies. He’s a grifter

  • @mumblerfish
    108 hours ago

    Damn. Russia is paying him for some really weird takes now. Or is this what his show is like when he does not have the Russian script to read?

  • @ChicoSuave
    69 hours ago

    “Bald foreign plant unable to convince people of absurd reality. Blames others for own lack of ability.”

  • Sabre363
    38 hours ago

    Aren’t cats Hooters whole business model? Or maybe it was melons . . .

  • FiveMacs
    -58 hours ago

    Who cares if they are bald…the heck does this have to do with anything…be a better person

    Damn I really detest how people ‘make fun’ of things people can’t control, irregardless of who that person is.

    • Flying SquidOP
      58 hours ago

      Dude, he famously wears that beanie all the time because he’s embarrassed about his baldness and won’t admit he’s balding.

      • FiveMacs
        8 hours ago


        He’s embarrassed because people keep making fun of others for the way they look that’s out of their control.

        My point stands, don’t make fun of people for things they can’t control/genetics/etc…

        When people do this, it just reassures their negative thoughts and good hardworking innocent people (not talking about this person specifically) end up hiding who they are because society makes fun of them for who they are. It’s wrong.

        I personally experience this on multiple levels and it’s a huge contributing factor to why I shun huge chunks of society.

        Edit: adding I have no idea who the person is, never seen them before this but my point won’t change regardless of how much of a shit person they may or may not be.

        • Flying SquidOP
          18 hours ago

          I have no idea who the person is,

          Herein lies the problem.

          • FiveMacs
            5 hours ago

            No, not at all…you’re insulting someone about baldness. What if I’m bald and take great offence to you basically saying fuck bald people because they are bald. These little insults are no different then calling someone gay as an insult, or a retard. It’s insulting way more people then you might actually think AND it creates this societal norm that baldness, is wrong and you should be ashamed of it and hide who you are.

            You, are being a problem right now by insulting people based on things they cannot control. All it does is reinforce some weird bullshit stigma that baldness is inherently bad.

            If the guys a racist prick, call him that. Don’t insult him because he’s bald, has big ears, wears glasses, etc…

            • Flying SquidOP
              5 hours ago

              If I talk about Donald Trump’s tiny baby hands, I’m not insulting all people with small hands. I’m insulting a guy who is very insecure about the idea of people who think he has tiny baby hands.

              But I apologize to all of the members of the highly-oppressed bald community for my previous posts.

        • Flying SquidOP
          68 hours ago

          Sorry, you’re not going to get me to stop telling the world about the Deep State’s nefarious Hooters plan.

          • @[email protected]
            -38 hours ago

            I’m trying to help you have a better argument. Making fun of someone for being bald or insecure earns no sympathy.

            • Flying SquidOP
              27 hours ago

              Yeah, well maybe he shouldn’t put himself out there as the ultimate example of masculinity.