I just moved here from FL and this seems insane to me. Is this normal? They’re going to get someone killed, the limit is 65 mph at that ramp. I wish it was like a one time thing but it’s like every 3rd day I get stuck behind a different car that merges below 30 mph and then eventually will get up to speed a couple of miles down the road. Am I crazy?

  • @wjs018
    85 months ago

    I love all the news articles that get posted to this community, but sometimes its just a lot of fun to vent and complain about mundane stuff. I hope we get more posts like this.

    That being said, I don’t find myself on 93 too often these days as I live in Metrowest, so I am on 90 and 95 much more. I run into similar issues though on a couple ramps. One that drives me crazy in particular is the route 9 exit for Framingham off of 90 West (so, the reverse situation you are describing). People slow down for that exit like 2 miles in advance when it is completely unnecessary. Slow down on the ramp, not on the highway people. It’s not hard!

    I have lived in the area now for (checks notes) 14 years and there are sometimes just certain spots that are always annoying.

    • @boreboreM
      35 months ago

      Feel free to post venting posts! As the mod, that somehow feels like inappropriate behavior for me.

  • @Donebrach
    65 months ago

    Massholes are incapable of 1) paying attention to literally any other vehicle on the road 2) looking left as they approach an intersection before pulling half out into the road 3) turning their steering wheel more than once when making a turn.

    I do not know how 99% of the people on the road in this state got their licenses. (10 year transplant from NM)

    • @Fluffy_Ruffs
      45 months ago

      People are also afraid to use their gas pedal. It’s ok to use it to get up to speed at a sufficient pace or even to get you into a better position when changing lanes.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      But also, as a native Californian who’s been here well over a decade at this point, there are some on/off-ramps here that are just comically sketchy. Like, a stop sign, a sharp right turn, and a major road that typically runs at 60mph with a decently high average traffic load.

      • @Donebrach
        15 months ago

        Agreed, it seems out west on/off ramps are configured that the off ramp is before the on ramp, where as more often that not here the off ramp is like 100 feet down the road from the on ramp causing horrible bottlenecks.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Why are there so many Florida people around? Any time I’m on the interstate, there’s always a few Florida plates. Any other state is rare.

    And last night, the Florida plate was going slow in the leftmost lane, being passed on the right by everyone. I don’t understand how people can be so oblivious. We need stricter driving tests.

    Edit: and zipper merges! I got honked at and flipped off the other day because some idiot can’t count to one.

    • @WagnasTOP
      25 months ago

      I noticed that too! There’s so many, I would have expected most out of state plates to be NH or NY or something but I see FL plates everywhere.

      I have a theory, a LOT of my coworkers have property in FL because they want to retire there, I think they’re trying to evade taxes by claiming their FL property as their primary residence, may as well register their car there too.

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    I live in a different state, not close to you. A similar thing would happen a lot when I lived in the big city. People would hit their brakes or slow down toward the end of a ramp, while merging. A few times I had people come to a stop at the end of an on ramp.

    So you would be reaching the speed of traffic, looking left for your spot to merge in to moving traffic. When you look straight ahead again, you end up slamming on your breaks because the person in font of you is slowing to a creep. Meanwhile traffic on the interstate is ripping by and now you have to try to merge.