• Optional
    215 months ago

    WASHINGTON — When the WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, appeared on a video link from Europe a month before the 2016 presidential election and vaguely promised to release a flood of purloined documents related to the race, the head of Donald J. Trump’s campaign, Stephen K. Bannon, was interested.

    He emailed the political operative Roger J. Stone Jr., who had been trying to reach him for days about what Mr. Assange might have in store. “What was that this morning???” Mr. Bannon asked on Oct. 4.

    “A load every week going forward,” Mr. Stone replied, echoing Mr. Assange’s public vow to publish documents on a weekly basis until the Nov. 8 election.

    The email exchange, not previously reported, underscores how Mr. Stone presented himself to Trump campaign officials: as a conduit of inside information from WikiLeaks, Russia’s chosen repository for documents hacked from Democratic computers.

    NY Times

    He acted as a middleman between russia and the trump campaign to release illegally obtained campaign emails to help trump swing 10,000 morons in Michigan.

    While he didn’t pull a lever that said ”Make trump win” he knowingly aided the illegal collusion between trump and russia in a paper-thin election.

    He’s not “innocent” in any ethical sense.

  • @Buffalox
    5 months ago

    This is a surprising but welcome development IMO. I always found the case against him fishy.
    Unfortunately this comes many years to late, Julian Assange is a broken man today, and USA succeeded in their scare tactics on breaking US law, despite it’s not illegal in the country you are in.
    I don’t understand how it was even considered delivering him to USA from UK, UK is AFAIK known for not delivering people to prosecution for actions that aren’t illegal in UK.
    That said I don’t agree with what he did, and I think he was used as a Russian asset.

  • @A_A
    -125 months ago

    At long last. Now I wish he will be paid preparations : he deserves recognition and compensations.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      He shouldn’t have been jailed, but I don’t think we need to give more money to the Russian cronies, let them live off their many rubles.

      • @A_A
        5 months ago

        Clearly we do disagree about this guy, Julian Assange.

        But maybe we can agree on other related questions … like the fact that russia today is spreading huge amounts of propaganda and have some bad influence in the USA and other countries.

        Also you may agree that there are whistleblowers in the western world who do good by denouncing bad actions from Western governments or rich people. Amongst these, we may cite the Panama papers and some other cases …

        Or maybe we can’t agree at all … anyway.