• @breadsmasher
    655 months ago

    Can we have a referendum on removing boris johnson from the country?

    • @9point6
      145 months ago

      Can it be to fire him into the sun

      • @Valmond
        185 months ago

        I heard it’s cheaper to launch things out of the solar system than it is to launch it into the sun, but should we be littering like that though?

        • @9point6
          195 months ago

          Tbh, it can be any sun, I’m not precious about it being our one

          • tabris
            85 months ago

            I think a capsule, permanently drifting through space, frozen, with a plaque on the side saying “this is a warning to everyone” sends a much clearer message.

            • @9point6
              35 months ago

              Isn’t that the start of alien Romulus?

    • @RagingSnarkasm
      45 months ago

      Or at least getting him to comb his fucking hair.

    • I'll be on [email protected]
      95 months ago

      Most Brits didn’t.

      How about instead of pointing your finger at those at the bottom, aim it instead at those running the deliberately corrupt system, manipulating the media and propagandising the population, to the point where they can get shit like that passed without the majority of the public actually supporting it?

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        People’s lack of knowledge isn’t a great argument. The information was available but other chose to listen to the officials.

        Imagine you are laying on bed and on TV was a fire chief. They are giving a speech about fire not being a concern. Upstairs, your neighbor is yelling fire! What do you do? You seem more information to determine what is true. People have lost the skill and become extremely lazy.

        I know it sucks looking shit up all the time. Believe me, I live in the US. Our TV news media is tabloids and rating chasers, from national to local. It sucks, but the facts are still reported by hard working investigators. Do I have to cross reference owners of the companies and additional sources? Yes, but it is on me to decided what is right in my eyes and vote accordingly.

        Some voters knew brexit was bs and still voted for different reasons. 72% turnout for the vote. Meaning 28% decided they were fine either way.

        Evil prevails when good men do nothing.


      • WxFisch
        85 months ago

        That story (and narrative) is somewhat disingenuous though. The official vote, and thus the will of the British people, was to leave. To say that’s wrong because people didn’t understand what their vote meant or weren’t shown how they should register really speaks more to how poorly the remain campaigns communicated the seriousness of the referendum and what it would mean to cast a leave vote or to not vote at all.

        Look, I think it was a poor choice for the UK to leave the EU. And as an American I get how frustrating it is when electoral systems mask what polling shows for a verity of reasons. But official elections are the source of truth in the democratic processes we have and to claim the results are false is dangerous whether it’s for brexit in the UK or for a president in the US.

        • @Viking_Hippie
          15 months ago

          The official vote, and thus the will of the British people

          Yeah, because that particular referendum isn’t notorious for SPECTACULAR amounts of disinformation from far right groups both domestic and foreign! Everyone had all important information available to them, none of it buried in a mountain of deliberately fraudulent garbage!

          To say that’s wrong because people didn’t understand what their vote meant or weren’t shown how they should register really speaks more to how poorly the remain campaigns communicated the seriousness of the referendum and what it would mean to cast a leave vote or to not vote at all.

          Wow, way to victim blame!

          Yes, the Remain campaign dropped the ball, but to put the blame entirely on the voters and the ones trying inexpertly to avoid disaster and none on all the crooks successfully gaslighting the public is fucking asinine if not deliberately obtuse.

          But official elections are the source of truth in the democratic processes we have and to claim the results are false is dangerous whether it’s for brexit in the UK or for a president in the US.

          With apologies to Matthew Perry, could you BE any more of a “never doubt the system, the system is flawless or nothing matters” neoliberal?! 🤦

        • I'll be on [email protected]
          5 months ago

          At no point did I claim the results were false.

          It is undisputable fact that a minority of the voting population voted to leave.

          Acting like we must respect a deliberately corrupt process as if it’s some undisputable truth, even when all evidence points to it not only being false, but heavily manipulated is the epitome of bootlicking, and plays a significantly bigger part in maintaining the corrupt status quo and the power of those who benefit from it than any vote does.

  • I'll be on [email protected]
    225 months ago

    Getting rid of the ECHR was always his goal and why he and the rest of the greedy bastards at the top put us through brexshit. It has always been about giving themselves more freedom to oppress us.

  • @Carrolade
    125 months ago

    Yikes … That scruffy, unkempt look does not age well, does it?

    • EleventhHour
      5 months ago

      He uses that goofy look so people don’t take him seriously. Then, when you’re not looking, he pulls this kind of shit.

  • @[email protected]
    105 months ago

    Do you actually want out of it or are you just hoping that if it passes, you get a second go as prime minister, like last time?