“Nobody Wants This” is the story of a romance between Rabbi Noah and Joanne, played by Kristen Bell: a blond, non-Jewish woman who hosts a podcast about her dating disasters. The show uses the word “shiksa” to describe Joanne, which means a non-Jewish woman. Many consider it so rude, though, that I feel certain that my mother will materialize in my apartment to wash my mouth out with soap for even typing it.

  • @gedaliyahOPM
    4 months ago

    A lot of people are talking about how great this is, but I haven’t seen it. I’m not sure I like something that so prominently employs the derogitory use of “shiksa.”

    • Flying SquidM
      04 months ago

      Yeah, I’m not a fan either. Especially when I know that my grandmother wouldn’t have just called my wife that behind her back, but also to both my and her face. That sort of bigotry has to end.

      I grew up in a college town. A renowned Jewish Studies professor and one of the most outspoken members of the Jewish community was married to a woman who never converted. I didn’t even know that until she had a funeral that didn’t involve a rabbi performing services.

      And I have a daughter I am teaching to understand her Jewish identity. Neither of she nor I consider her any less Jewish because her mother isn’t a Jew. The tradition carries on regardless.

      Also, titling your movie “Nobody Wants This,” just from a marketing perspective, is a terrible plan.