I’ll be honest, when I picked out this 1/8th online today, I missed that it was pre-ground. I paid $25 for it and got 20% off so it came out to $20, which is pretty expensive for an 1/8th of pre-ground.

Supposedly even though this is pre-ground it was tested at ~25% THC. That’s a bit hard to believe since pre-ground bud is usually in the 12-15% range.

It has a great smell to it if you like the smell of shake - very grassy and almost sickeningly sweet. Nice color - a bright green. Decent effects - it does feel a bit stronger than other pre-ground/shake I’ve got.

Overall: 5/10. Okay quality for pre-ground, but expensive for what it is. Usually you can get a 1/4 for $30, so a more appropriate price for this would have been $15.

  • ConsciousLochNessOPM
    2 years ago

    I’ve been medicating with this for a few days now and am pretty pleased with it. Very calming and body-heaving effects, without being too heady.