Maybe EVs are not a comprehensive climate solution??

  • SeaJ
    111 day ago

    they use more electricity, which is most often produced at a coal-burning plan

    Cool. So we can completely discount this paper because it is clearly a giant lie.

  • @[email protected]
    182 days ago

    This, the researchers note, is because wealthier people in general have a bigger carbon footprint—they use more electricity, which is most often produced at a coal-burning plant,

    Blatantly untrue.

    Electricity sector in Finland

    Even without that obvious lie: Well, rich people driving ICE cars would have an even bigger footprint. What point is this trying to make?

    • @[email protected]
      1 day ago

      I think the study analyzed the footprint of the person, not the vehicle:

      In this new study, the research team investigated whether consumers who purchase and drive such vehicles have a smaller carbon footprint than other consumers

      The merits of electric vehicles are irrelevant to their study - and their study is irrelevant to the merits of electric vehicles.

      So maybe they’re not lying (or maybe they are, if they made a direct claim about the power mix of the Finnish grid), but they’re definitely far from barking under the correct tree. They’re barking in a different forest, not of transport economy, but of wealth and consumption. :)

      • @[email protected]
        41 day ago

        Quoting myself from another answer:

        This paper takes it’s data from a survey in Finland, so I believe it should use the Finnish power mix in it’s conclusions or at least compare to it.

        And while the study seems to make sense, the article is just awful clickbait.

  • @[email protected]
    2 days ago

    Before reading, I’m expecting:

    • focussing only on the production emissions
    • pretending only coal powered electricity exists
    • anecdotal evidence

    After reading:

    • focussing only on the production emissions
    • pretending only coal powered electricity exists
    • anecdotal evidence
    • misdirection

    The argument is “rich people consume more”. Which is true, and their emissions are higher because of it. Driving electric is still better than gas though.

    • @[email protected]
      31 day ago

      Electric cars are better than gas, but the extensive car infrastructure needed to sustain cars remains the same. The real solution is having viable alternatives to driving to reduce the need for car use altogether.

      • @[email protected]
        31 day ago

        It’s not an instant solution, obviously. I have been cooking and heating electric at home for years. For most of the first year, that was coal powered electricity.

        A friend of mine made that same argument as you. “But our power is coal, you’re just throwing away money”. Well, a year later, we have green power and gas is hella expensive.

        Now he’s complaining about gas prices.

        Don’t be him, think more than one step ahead.

  • @[email protected]
    543 days ago

    Perhaps there should be policies in place to lower the cost of electric cars so more average income people can replace their ice cars?

    • @NegativeInf
      3 days ago

      Perhaps the tax credit should be down payment assistance of the same value for those who purchase the EV if they have a household income below 150k. Maybe limit it to vehicles below a certain total cost as well.

      Up front cost is a bigger road block than taxes.

      • @[email protected]
        42 days ago

        Aren’t your just describing the current credit? There’s a mechanism for the dealer to provide the incentive at the time of purchase vs during tax filing the following year. There’s also an income limit for eligibility.

        That being said, the whole point is to move battery supply chains to the US, not to actually make cheap cars for folks.

    • @HowManyNimons
      143 days ago

      Perhaps there should be policies to even out the wealth distribution.

    • @[email protected]
      62 days ago

      This is why I’m frustrated with the US and the EU, who are placing heavy penalty tariffs on Chinese EVs.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        Uyghur slave labor should not be seen as the solution to our emission problems. Tariffs are the right thing here, albeit for the wrong reasons.

    • Lad
      62 days ago

      Exactly. I don’t drive an EV because I can’t afford one. That’s literally the only reason. I’d like to have one.

    • @monkeyslikebananas2
      52 days ago

      Can also eliminate all corporate offices, if your job can be done on a computer, there shouldn’t be an office. Unless you need to be physically at your job, no need for you to be commuting at all.

      The concept of corporate buildings isn’t even that old.

  • @Shanedino
    142 days ago

    No one thing is a comprehensive solution. Even a completely renewable powered grid isn’t a comprehensive solution.

    • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
      12 days ago

      No one thing is a comprehensive solution.

      You’ll be surprised one day when you encounter those people.

  • @[email protected]
    2 days ago

    Public transport would be a much more effective and cheaper solution, but we’re all looking at EVs because it means not having to change anything about the status quo.

    • @[email protected]
      62 days ago

      America specifically doesn’t want to build sane infrastructure, we’ve gone too deep on car culture over the last century+. Going out of the way to build self-driving cars rather than running more rail (or even bus, or trolley) is a solution hunting for a problem that shouldn’t exist. Especially given how much car prices have sharply increased in the last decade. Nobody will be able to afford personal transport, people will continue to use older cars for longer periods of time, or get into insane mortgage-sized car loans.

      …but we want our “independence” and “freedom” dammit! … /s

      Even so, the status quo changes with EVs. You see it with dealerships/shops charging more for simple repairs, manufacturers trying to go to subscription models for basic car features.

      So much of the US is car-based:

      • Regular maintenance at a shop to pay for parts and fluids
      • The oil industry living at its current large size (it will still need to exist even if we were all EV, until every other product that uses it switches to something else)
      • Refueling at gas stations that can upsell you on impulse-buy food, drink, smoke, booze
      • Gas station price wars to spur pointless driving around, pointless media attention (which causes further driving around of media vehicles), pointless arguments and chaos
      • Supply chains generating every part, widget, and accessory, with the assumption there will be frequent replacement
      • Training for mechanics and techs on servicing all these convoluted chemical powered mechanical systems
      • Emissions testing and regulation used by municipalities as a money grab
      • The engineers paid to design these machines
      • Tax on fuel and other car consumables
      • The aftermarket accessory market selling upgrade gizmos to customize, trick out, make louder, make more powerful, make coal-rolling
      • Even parts theft like catalytic converter theft rings
      • @[email protected]
        42 days ago

        Don’t forget about the massive insurance scheme designed to deal with the aftermath of millions of largely preventable collisions and tens of thousands of deaths each year, the regulatory complex, the adverse health impacts and burden on the healthcare industry, and perhaps biggest of all - the infrastructure (and space) needed for all of this unnecessary driving, all of which come at the expense of all other forms of transportation. The scale of the auto industry is mind boggling, especially considering how useless most of it is.

    • @DantesFreezer
      72 days ago

      Yes. Easy patch.

      I mean, public transport is a fucking ton of money to start up, and anywhere outside an urban center it is not just a loss but almost a total loss due to distances.

      I remember being in a meeting in grad school to discuss the school bus system as part of the student review of finances. We had a bus route that went to another town a good distance away, and it was nearly always empty or with like 2 people on it, so they basically said once the grant money is gone we will shut down this route. We can’t afford to put good money into something expensive and isn’t getting used.

      I realize there is a lot about car culture feeding that, but it remains a massive obstacle. Switching from existing structures like parking etc to public transport? How? How fast? What do we do with that space? Who pays for it? I’m frustrated by the system but we can’t just start from a blank slate, we have to work with it.

      • federal reverse
        2 days ago

        Switching from existing structures like parking etc to public transport? How? How fast? What do we do with that space? Who pays for it? I’m frustrated by the system but we can’t just start from a blank slate, we have to work with it.

        Are you serious? I was in the US just once, and within 3 days, I felt depressed. I had originally planned to travel through the US and CA for two weeks but following a one-week work thing and decided to just return after following obligatory week 1.

        At least two thirds of basically any downtown appears to be parking and there’s at least a further 15% that’s overly wide roads.

        You could remove the concrete and build parks which would improve those cities’ water household and have made me feel less depressed. You could build housing. You could build stores. You could build third places. You could make downtowns livable.

        And it’s definitely possible. Because those places all existed before they were bulldozed to better suit cars.

      • @[email protected]
        32 days ago

        The fact that the remote/rural bus stops aren’t being used is not a fault of public transportation itself. But rather, it’s the fault of route design/planning.

        • @Jimmyeatsausage
          32 days ago

          Isn’t route design/planning part of a public transportation system? And even if it weren’t, it’s still a real and valid issue that would need to be addressed. Even if the plan is just to force everyone into high-density housing against their will, you still have the last mile problem, just like cable and internet companies. Either the bus stops at every building (and is therefore too slow to be useful) or some people have to walk farther than others, which is fine for most of us, but disabled/elderly/injured people shouldn’t be further disadvantaged as part of our transportation strategy.

  • federal reverse
    2 days ago

    No doubt: Richer people can afford new shiny things more often. And electric cars are new shiny things right now. But …

    To learn more, the researchers obtained data from the CLIMATE NUDGE survey, which was a questionnaire sent by other researchers to thousands of people across Finland in 2022 […] This, the researchers note, is because wealthier people in general have a bigger carbon footprint—they use more electricity, which is most often produced at a coal-burning plant, they consume more goods, the production of which tends to release greenhouse gases, and they drive more and travel more.

    I have my doubts about the electricity bit of that particular reasoning. Electricity in Finland is generated primarily from low-CO2e energy: nuclear, wind, and hydropower. IEA, Electricity Maps (be aware: the latter site’s CO2e numbers are deeply flawed, however the origin percentages are correct).

  • @einlander
    102 days ago

    I view EV’s as a solution that consolidates and shifts the creation of pollution elsewhere.

    One of the arguments I hear a lot is that electricity is still generated at coal plants/dirty sources. My view is by using EV’s eventually the dirty energy generator can be replaced with nuclear or other clean sources negating the entire argument.

    • @Shanedino
      42 days ago

      Ok even if it does shift it, shouldn’t big power plants be way more efficient and clean than hundreds of thousands of little engines?

      • @[email protected]
        12 days ago

        You also have to account for transmission losses and losses in the battery and at every conversion along the way. But also things like regenerative breaking help make electric more efficient as well. It would not surprise me though even with all that if electric was still more efficient than ICE even if the generation was completely fossil fuel based. Just pointing out that it is not just about the efficiency of the generation of power.

      • @CookieOfFortune
        02 days ago

        As an argument for efficiency: If you drive a truck that drags an EV behind it (thus charging the EV), and then you drive the EV, you will get more total range than if you just drove the truck by itself.

        That’s just how much more efficient EV designs are than traditional ICE vehicles.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    The proliferation of a new technology typically doesn’t start from poor people.

    It starts from fanatics first. I built my first EV. It was crap, I cut it apart and sold the metal (environmental footprint: awful). Then I built my second EV. It drove around 10 000 km, but had to be retired due to metal fatigue (enviromental footprint: neutral at best, lesson learned: big).

    I bought my third EV on a crashed vehicle auction. New front axle, stretching the frame back to correct dimensions… I drive it every day, but it’s a crap car that I’d not recommend to my worst enemy. :) Environmental footprint: positive, I can produce fuel for myself from April to October. But if the same vehicle would be used by someone who doesn’t produce (or buy) renewable power, the footprint would be less positive.

    Anticipating the demise of my factory-made electric microcar, I am however building another EV. Again the footprint is negative, but I need information about how to easily manufacture one, and obtaining information has a cost in resources. :(

    Meanwhile, of course, truly rich folks buy fancy and electronics-laden self-driving EVs which some then proceed to crash or mishandle due to lack of clue. People are like that and it will stick out in statistics.

    IMHO: if they hadn’t bought an EV, they’d have bought another kind of status symbol and would have used it even more wastefully. What matters more is what the average person can and will do. And how do we influence the auto makers to produce less resource-intensive vehicles?