A documentary about the Trump administration’s family separation policy will not air before Election Day because MSNBC is concerned about offending the Republican presidential nominee, according to new reports.
Ground News: center left, the lot of them.
Credibility: high, factual reporting: high
Don’t they all donate to both parties? There was this website to check where companies sent their donations…
Why is WaPo in this list? Trump hates WaPo and even tried to hurt the post office and interfere with Amazon packages to get back at Bezos for owning WaPo
All part of the show.
And it won’t run after if he wins out of fear he might send in a hit squad because it’s an official act.
And republicans will still say that mainstream media has a heavy left bias, and they don’t trust them.
Very pathetic from MSNBC but I don’t really expect anything better from old media. If they really wanted to get him back they would air in place of the debate if he doesn’t show
History Channel delays documentary on Hitler as it may offend conservatives.
Jesus Fuck that’s pathetic.
I really don’t want him to win but if he does I hope he really does jail the higher ups is MSNBC. they deserve it for helping him.
Like it would even reach the people it needs to reach in the first place.