“It is dangerous, it is unconscionable, frankly, that anyone who considers themselves a leader would mislead desperate people to the point that those desperate people would not receive the aid to which they are entitled,” Harris told CNN’s Dana Bash.

“We all know it’s dangerous and the gamesmanship has to stop,” she continued. “At some point the politics has to end, especially in a moment of crisis.”

Trump has amplified claims that the government is diverting disaster response funds to aid migrants and has shared other untrue claims, including that those impacted by Hurricane Helene are only receiving $750 in assistance and that there are no helicopters to rescue people in North Carolina after the storm.

Harris, on CNN, said she has spoken with local officials who are trying to combat misinformation and said she doesn’t know if they are Republicans or Democrats.

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  • @Marthirial
    11 hours ago

    Call it what it is: Treasonous political terrorism. People will or have already died because of the filth coming out of this double-assholed shit bag.

    • FenrirIII
      48 hours ago

      There is no treason in Republican America.

      Unless you’re LBGQT+. Or a poor minority. Or not Christian. Or said bad things about dear leader. Or approve of gun control. Or you’re pro-choice. We’ll just nail the list to every government building.

  • Bahnd Rollard
    3314 hours ago

    Oh… So thats where that who-hash came from. One of my co-workers mentioned that yesterday, and I had to pause “That isnt how FEMA works. Where did that come from?”. It makes depressing sense now…

  • nifty
    510 hours ago

    If the Republicans are so worried about the Democrats looking good by helping people, then Republicans would be first in line showing they can put partisan politics aside to work together. Instead they’re using lies and misinformation, so it seems their agenda is something else. It almost seems the goal is to weaken and break the American people.

  • Rhaedas
    412 hours ago

    “Whose phone is that ringing? Ron? Answer the phone, Ron!”

  • vortic
    210 hours ago

    I don’t hope anyone met trajedy. If someone’s MAGA parents did, I hope they posted enough on social media to show that they made their decisions because of Trump’s statements. I hope there is enough there to charge Trump with something like negligent homicide.