After watching an episode of English Teacher I saw this guy in the credits. Paweł Straszewski just doing all the voices in dub. I have to remember watching one in Polish now.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    It’s a voice-over translation that’s being presented as if it was a dub. We call it „lektor” and it was more popular back in the day due to budget constraints. We got so used to it though that nobody even mentions it.

    What I find most interesting about it that it’s done in a way that makes original dialogue kinda audible while the lektor does his impassionate voice-over so you preserve a lot from original acting. Some of the voice-over artists became household brands for particular types of content.

    As an example, Tomasz Knapik voiced over loads of stuff that polish TV bought from US in the early 90s so he’s associated with 70-90s TV series. When Kung Fury came out some guys hired Knapik to voice it over to underscore that 80-90s aesthetic even more. You can check it out here.

    • @coolmultitoolOP
      5 months ago

      Thanks for the detailed explanation. I did not know this… It’s less cool now knowing rather than imagining Pawel going from doing Gwen to Evan to Sharon to Kid#3 in different voices. :)

      EDIT: And indeed, that Kung Fury tidbit is very awesome.

    • @[email protected]
      45 months ago

      Yup, this. Got polish relatives and they once told me that they actually prefer this type of dub, because they can still hear the original voices and emotions.

  • @reddig33
    25 months ago

    I tried to enjoy this show, but the “all gays are fit and sleep with each other” trope is just too tired.