Hello. This is my first post here.

I’ve been playing around with the Ganyu AI Chat-Bot for roleplay and I’ve been enjoying it, but for some reason, I just got hit with a few of these: “An error has occurred somewhere in your code (in lists or HTML): An unhandled promise rejection occurred: QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.”

Along with the “This Page Has Errors” when I try to load what I have saved before it happened. I got around it by pasting in what my characters have said one at a time, but it’s a bit tiring. If anyone can help me out, I’d appreciate it because I don’t want to start over the story I made with this chat-bot.

  • @perchanceM
    24 days ago

    Hmm, this error is related to your device’s storage limits - since chats are stored on your device rather than on a server. Is your device’s storage nearly full? Or is your chat massive (i.e. multiple novels worth of text in the chat logs)? If you could paste chat logs into a character counter, and let me know, and also let me know the device/OS and browser you’re using (e.g. Samsung A50 + Chrome, or iPhone + Safari), that would be helpful so I can try to replicate this error on my end.