Ontario is considered the UFO capital of Canada given the 21,884 encounters reported, with sightings described as “orbs with 20 lights,” “black triangles moving fast,” and mysterious “spherical objects.”

So for every 667 people, one UFO has been sighted, making it the highest UFO-to-human ratio out of all the provinces and territories.

Alberta was a distant second, with residents reporting 624 sightings over the years, bringing the total to 1 UFO per 700 people.

In the third spot is British Columbia with more than 7,000 reported sightings, amounting to one per 757 people.

Manitoba was in fourth place with one UFO sighting per 943 people while Quebec rounded out the Top 5 with one per 1,080 residents.

Those who want to avoid even the slightest of encounters with a possible otherworldly being, Newfoundland and Labrador is where to go having reported only 60 sightings since 1974.

That’s a meagre one UFO per 8,692 people, according to the data.