Hullo, sorry its late! What are we sharing this week?

  • @Z3k3
    35 days ago

    Just finished week 2 of the new job

    It’s less hitting the ground running and more hit yhe ground face first and being dragged behind a motorbike by the ankles. Have a really good support network though. New boss (who’s in a similar situation as me) and old boss is still in the company and mega helpful.

    Finished work at 4 today and slept till 630 🤣

    Chilling oot with a beer watching geek stuff on YouTube on 80s puters…

    Got oot and caught a couple nice pics of the aurora last night and renewed my gym membership after lapsing about 3 months ago.

    Over all feels good man

    • @linzid83
      25 days ago

      Glad you’ve got a good support! Sounds like lots of positives!!

      • @Z3k3
        35 days ago

        Aye it’s a mixed blessing. The job is completely different from anything I have ever done in my life to the point I actively avoided it most of my career. Toss in bad timing in terms of big stuff dew now it’s stressful as fuck but I think I’m enjoying it and everyone around me is amazing

    • @OlapOPM
      15 days ago

      Guid tae hear aboot the gym, plenty ae tech dinnae bother, and they shuid! (me tae)

      And every new role feels mad for that first 6 months. Ride it out, then ask: what do I need to improve on? It’ll be easier by week 4 usually. Management also taks a couple oh years to appreciate but my top tip is under no circumstances give up that coding. 1 ticket per sprint if on 1 team. 1 review per team otherwise.

      • @Z3k3
        34 days ago

        but my top tip is under no circumstances give up that coding.

        I hope i get time di this. But it just occurred to me 1 day last week I was so fucked off looking at a spreadsheet I needed a break. So I looked at a different spreadsheet 🤣

  • @OlapOPM
    25 days ago

    Been aff the day, and so extra busy. Hill walking, shopping (fishmonger an a butcher), cooking (Scallop starter, steak and bulger wheat main), and the pub tae boot wi sum pals. Wi drap affs, pick ups, an bein a guid husband an aww. Anywho, tattie hols ahoy, aff tae Caithness Sunday nicht wi a busy weekend afore we hit the A9. Fair pecht, will sleep the nicht

    Wis ill this week, ah rekun noro, sae makin up fer lost time it seems. Ah fancy tryin mah haund at Android development this week, see gin ah can get in the F-Droid store

    • @linzid83
      25 days ago

      Busy busy! Have a good holiday!

      • @OlapOPM
        25 days ago

        Cheers, got any plans fer yers yet?

        • @linzid83
          25 days ago

          No, just got some life admin to take care of!

    • @Z3k3
      25 days ago

      Whit you thinking of makin

      • @OlapOPM
        25 days ago

        Aifter tryin tae peg cribbage last week wi ma Dad oan the train, an haein tae faw back tae the Play Store. A cribbage scorin app! Guid ferst app, wi a lang list oh nice tae haes fer updates

        • @Z3k3
          35 days ago

          Gid luck. Sadly a game I never played

          • @OlapOPM
            35 days ago

            Bit oh a famly game, mi Da’s faither wis a merchant navy man, mah ither grandfaither in the Submarines. So double cribbage heritage fer me. Cracking twa player game, ah’ve played plenty ah ithers, but nowt else comes close. Now, when it comes tae 3+ mah shithead rules are yet tae be beat