It’s been months; is this getting addressed at all, or are we just forgoing IMDB now…?
This was my main method of automatically grabbing new content, but it’s been entirely broken since June.
I see this comment on GitHub, and I’m guessing it’s probably spot on:
I don’t see IMDb “fixing” this issue anytime soon to be honest; they probably caught on that a metric shitload of users are scraping their IMDb watchlists from Sonarr & Radarr, generating heaps of traffic that IMDb has to pay for.
That sucks, but it’s probably not high on Amazon’s priority list of API issues to fix.
The process to export a list has changed, but it still works. You can still export an imdb list as a csv file (excerpt below) without an imdb account, It’s just done in multiple steps now. Sonarr/Radarr need to update to accommodate this change.
Position,Const,Created,Modified,Description,Title,Original Title,URL,Title Type,IMDb Rating,Runtime (mins),Year,Genres,Num Votes,Release Date,Directors 1,tt8368368,2024-04-11,2024-04-11,“In Competition”,“The Apprentice”,“The Apprentice”,,Movie,6.7,120,2024,“Biography, Drama, History”,2017,2024-10-11,“Ali Abbasi” 2,tt28608358,2024-04-11,2024-04-11,“In Competition”,“Motel Destino”,“Motel Destino”,,Movie,6.7,115,2024,“Thriller”,677,2024-08-22,“Karim Aïnouz” 3,tt28277817,2024-04-11,2024-04-11,“In Competition”,“Bird”,“Bird”,,Movie,7.1,119,2024,“Drama”,449,2024-11-08,“Andrea Arnold”
Is IMDb part of Amazon, or are they just using their API and/or servers?
Oh, I might be just a little behind. Thanks for the info!