• @xploit
    73 days ago

    Hear about it more on …Clarkson’s Farm (in like 6-8 months).

    We kind of like the show and despite some exaggeration, it’s does occasionally bring up these serious issues, which IMO is sad that you have to watch someone like Clarkson, being paid by Amazon, fighting some other rich nutjobs in his area, to get a slightly more insight to things like this, because most newspapers will cover other garbage instead. Having said that, bassed on the article I do wonder whether Kaleb will botch plant winter oilseed rape again as that seems to have taken a massive hit YoY

  • @ChicoSuave
    43 days ago

    “Earl, why are we harvesting sand?” “Remember wheat?” “What’s wheat?” “That’s why we’re harvesting sand.”