• @[email protected]
    123 days ago

    Sneaky resident magpie stealing my chip just before.

    The resident mudlark rocked up but this magpie just goes to town on it. Tonight mags did exactly that but still holding the chip in its beak. So lucky that bird and I are on very good terms. So highly aggressive but just not to me. Dogs, cats, other birds, people she doesn’t recognise it just goes flat out at them. I like her. She’s the protector. She earned that chip.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    I sent my biggest new client proposal today (in terms of dollar value) since starting this little insignificant business of mine. I thought it would take years before I’d be pitching for work of this value, but a few things lined up to get this opportunity. Spent hours thinking over the pricing to quote, resisting the urge to quote super cheap just to get in the work. I’m not about being the very cheapest, because I take pride in what I do and doing it well. But also I’m a one-man show so I need to be realistic on what people are going to pay for me vs bigger businesses. They probably come to me expecting cheaper. Thinking of pricing for my work sucks.

    Fingers crossed they go ahead! It will keep me busy for a bit.

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    Just grabbed a 2nd amp so I can have a stereo guitar setup!

    I promise, this is very exciting lol

  • CEOofmyhouse56
    123 days ago

    I went to Coles deli today and because I don’t go by weight I usually just say “a big handful of that thanks mate”. He was a dude with giant hands and I came out with 434gms of chorizo salami. It’s really good chorizo though. No complaints.

      • CEOofmyhouse56
        23 days ago

        I think he took it as a personal challenge because he laughed and I’ve never seen him even smile before.

  • @[email protected]
    163 days ago

    This guy is five today! He is getting a batch of biscuits when my sister is done with work. I think they have cheese and peanut butter in them. Will attempt to get the recipe from her.

  • @[email protected]
    83 days ago

    It’s been an absolute shit of a day except for getting the amp.

    Thank fuck for music to de-stress.

  • @[email protected]
    103 days ago

    Big news. The deep sinkhole around the Telstra pit next door is finally getting fixed - three years after the plastic board was bolted to the ground. Nice bloke doing the fixing said that Telstra has QUADRUPLED the number of contractors hired to fix problems, and increased the managers that allocate/organise fixes from 7 to 26!!! Apparently if you SnapSendSolve a problem it’ll be done within a week - faster if someone has tripped or fallen. I will be very interested to see if this outbreak of efficiency lasts.

    • @FunkyClown
      13 days ago

      Hopefully somebody eventually fixes all the “temporary” yellow plastic board coverings on High St. they have been there since before Covid from memory.

  • @[email protected]
    83 days ago

    Popped into the new QV Five Guys. First of all, I can’t believe Americans eat like this. There were enough fries in their smallest serving to comfortably feed a family of four, with leftovers for the next day. It looks expensive compared to other burger places but it’s probably fairly equivalent if you price it by weight. The fries and Cajun seasoning on them were so good. The burgers come with two patties; it took all my strength to push through the meat sweats to finish the last 20% of mine.

    Overall, the fries were definitely a winner. I’d choose Huxtaburger over this if I was really craving a burg, even if the serving size there is smaller for the same price. I might be tempted to return for a milkshake or hotdog but maybe after a week or two recovery period. In the mean time think I need a shower. 😮‍💨

    • @[email protected]
      13 days ago

      I put on a lot of weight after living in the US for the first few years. They have such a great selection of junk food outlets. I made a commitment to eat at least once at each one. Then it took me five years to get my weight back down again.

  • @[email protected]
    53 days ago

    Greetings from an Australian residing in the USA. Happy Monday. :-) 10AM on a Monday here and probably the early hours of Tuesday for you.

  • @[email protected]
    123 days ago

    I got my hair cut and beard trimmed today so I look normal. My dad was always telling me to get it cut and there’s too much at stake, so I don’t want anything being a potential obstacle to another job.

    And I think I might look alright? I’ve lost some hair and pretty much always had it tied back, so I’m not sure if I’d grow it out again when shit gets stable

      • @[email protected]
        53 days ago

        I liked the idea of long hair but was never completely happy with mine. I felt like it was curly in the wrong way and just felt like a lot of work to maintain for someone that didn’t want to put the effort in.

    • @[email protected]
      53 days ago

      I’m sure you’re looking fresh! I always feel great after a haircut, and walk around more confident for a couple days 😀

  • @[email protected]
    63 days ago

    Ordered one mystery pizza for tomorrow.

    Have to remember to pick it up and I hope it’s got stuff I like on it!

    Fingers crossed! 🤞

  • @[email protected]
    73 days ago

    Been awhile but it looks like I’ve got lunch with my dad on Thursday.

    Maybe I didn’t plan it out so well since I had planned to do my grocery shop that morning.

    It’ll be good to catch up with him. Haven’t seen him in months.