My county just had a crazy night.

There was a big amendment to restrict zoning for chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc regarding quantity, coop size, distance from residence, roosters vs hens etc. People were big mad because it was going to dramatically regulate things. This wasn’t going to impact us because of our Rural Neighborhood (RN) zoning. We were still going to have trouble because under current rules we were limited to 5 small non cat or dog animals. We are way past that limit and knew this could one day cause a problem.

Well something magical happened. They didn’t just not pass the amendment. They repealed all existing ordinances regarding small farm animals. My county government completely wiped out an entire section of the ODU. No more restrictions. None. We are now completely legal. Which, I assume, means that if they do adopt new rules in the future we will be grandfathered in under the nonexistent rules that now exist.

My county got rid of rules. My land now has more freedom than it did when I moved in. This is something that hardly ever happens in America. Today was a great day.

Maybe Lancaster county SC will inspire others across the country.