• recursive_recursion they/them
    10 hours ago

    I’m thankful to our predecessors that helped pave the way for users to have Linux viable alternatives for personal operating systems❤️

    It’s unfortunate with Canonical’s constant stumbles such as:

    With Valve now backing Arch, there now exists a potential path where new Linux users might be pushed away from Ubuntu and maybe towards Arch🤔? Very bizarre, this was not something I would have ever believed if someone told me prior to Valve’s decision and Arch’s announcement.

    Anyways it’ll be quite interesting to see if this has any influence in their development methodologies going forwards

    Sorry for the rambling btw🤗

    • @The_v
      22 days ago

      My first Linux installation was with Xubunto put it on a old win98 laptop and used it as a gaming server. Must have been around '06

      My first regular Unbunto install was 8.04 onto WinME desktop. I put it on a children’s desk and chair that I had built for my 4 year old older son. It was mainly used for PBSkids and some educational games.