I just started playing after some time, created a new character, and went straight into the story of Dragonflight. At this point, is it worth buying War Within? Or should I wait until I finish the Dragonflight story?

  • @[email protected]
    44 months ago

    I would argue yes. There’s definitely some high points of the new expansion. Though might depend specifically what you enjoy about wow. In general, quality of life in the game is much better with the warband feature. I enjoy the storyline. The raid is good. Delves are great for solo progression. But Mythic+ is in the worst state it’s been in for years.

    • @HangingFruitOP
      24 months ago

      I’ve been only playing classic, and unofficial servers back then. I’m currently at level 20. If I buy the expansion today, will I get some benefits right now? Or only later when I get into the expansion content?

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        I don’t think you’ll get any benefit until you’re ready to go to TWW zones but I’m really not 100%. Depending on how you play, it might make sense to wait for like a Black Friday or holiday deal (which I’m sure will come soon)

        • @HangingFruitOP
          24 months ago

          I will wait. Probably makes most sense