I am a woman and I have experienced an abusive relationship but I LEFT.

I honestly don’t even wanna hear it. I give advice based on my personal experience and they just never wanna hear it. I waste my time telling them how much happier they would be if they left & all that stuff JUST FOR THEM TO GO BACK TO THE ABUSIVE MAN. I find it pathetic. I’m sick of having to constantly be empathetic towards this when women refuse to help themselves by leaving. Be stronger and know you deserve better.

If you think you deserve the shitty treatment/abuse fine THEN STAY but be quiet and quit complaining if you don’t wanna do better by yourself🙄

  • @Clent
    35 months ago

    You sound like a terrible person.

    I wouldn’t be shocked to learn you were the abusive person in the relationship and left because you found someone new.

  • @skizzles
    15 months ago

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