• @LaunchesKayaksOP
          85 months ago

          Oh yes lol. He gets really excited to see me. I also make a big deal over seeing him. I’m all enthusiastic like, “There he is! There’s the guy! It’s him!”

  • @LaunchesKayaksOP
    55 months ago

    Most of the horses at this place can do that. This lil guy is too short to reach out of the other hole in the stall that is designed for horses to stick their heads out of lol.

  • @[email protected]
    45 months ago

    I’ve… Never seen a horse stall that looked so much like a prison before. Iron bars? But why?

    • @LaunchesKayaksOP
      25 months ago

      Idk. It isn’t my barn. I can tell you that the horses get out of their stalls daily and live great lives. Almost all of them are rescues

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        Oh, I don’t doubt they are treated well, this barn is just the most dystopian looking thing… Haha. I feel for the little guy. Probably feels lonely and trapped in a bed like that. In most barns I’ve seen the horses can stick their heads out and look around and see the other horses.

  • The metal flashing could just be standard, but people do add that to prevent damage to the door. The dripping down the door looks like it may have been cribbing, so they may have added the bars to limit damage to the wood.

    • @LaunchesKayaksOP
      55 months ago

      The dripping is from him drinking water then immediately shoving his face through the bars for attention lol.

        • @LaunchesKayaksOP
          35 months ago

          Yeah! I was surprised that none of the horses there crib, but then I learned just how many people go through in a day and interact with the animals. There must be at least 20 different people there in a day for lessons and visits.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        5 months ago

        … said every slave owner. You have an interest in believing that. This is a social animal (ie an intelligent animal like us) that was created explicitly to have its interests ignored and overridden. If it is a rescue, it has suffered because it has been treated as property from before it was born. No sanctuary can give it the life its ancestors were selected for. It will never be able to advance its own interests as a free creature. Would you rather be able to pick your own mate, career, friends, raise your own children, suffer on their behalf, or would you rather live your life in a 2 star hotel room with none of that autonomy?

        The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children and are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection. This animal is clearly suffering emotional neglect. THAT WAS YOUR ENTIRE POINT, was it not??

        • @LaunchesKayaksOP
          35 months ago

          Bruh. Chill. This horse is healthy and happy and well cared for. He just wants to be the center of attention at all times. We all know animals that are attention whores. None of the horses are suffering from emotional neglect or any other kind of neglect or abuse.