• ...m...
    41 hour ago

    …my wife came home from a chemistry demonstration with a cooler full of dry ice: we thought it would be fun to fill the master bathtub with hot water, dump it all in at once, and watch what happened…

    …besides the obvious violent commotion, our entire house filled with a waist-high impetrable fog, enough that we panicked and quickly evacuated the cats lest they be overwhelmed by carbon dioxide…

    • @stupidcasey
      13 minutes ago

      The fog in the air is simple water vapor, the Co2 is rather small, you would need about 50Lbs of Co2 before you are in any danger.

  • @itsJoelle
    162 days ago

    I took a breaking DM’ing after running a group for nearly a decade. During that time I started playing 40K. Which, some may not know this, is quite expensive if you don’t know how to 3d print. So I picked up the hobby.

    Now that I want to DM again many of my players came to prefer virtual over in person. It makes me sad because I could do stuff like this now without too much effort. What gives?

    • @gaiussabinus
      82 days ago

      Convenience gives. It’s hard to get 5 or six people consistently together at the same time and place. Removing the place makes it more accessible even if objectively worse. I am working on a tabletop thing in python with particle effects and other little tidbits so you can have some visuals that are browser and company independent.

      • @StraySojourner
        32 days ago

        To build off this, moneys tight for a lot of GMs and stuff like foundry removes the need for buying, assembling and painting terrain and miniatures. Which saves on time and money.

  • teft
    152 days ago

    Moooom, can you turn on the fog of war machine? I can see parts of the mortal realm again.