• Queen HawlSera
    219 minutes ago

    Wouldn’t #RememberCovid work better? The Left doesn’t really do bodyshaming anymore, I mean it’s even too raunchy for Sonic Generations (seriously)

  • @[email protected]
    126 hours ago

    Maybe don’t use body shaming terms though? That’s just lazy, and it’s mean to other people, not just the target of the insult.

    • @chiliedogg
      266 hours ago

      I’m fat. I’m not offended at the term “fascist fattie” as a reference to Trump. I’m unafraid of the truth that I’m overweight because it is the truth.

      Conservatives are welcome to call me “Tubby Trans-supporter”, “Pot-bellied Progressive”, “Dumpy Democrat”, “Blubbery Biden-voter”, “Flabby Feminist”, “Adipose Ally”, “Lardy Liberal”, “Stout Scientist” “Elephantine Environmentalist”, “Swollen Socialist” and more.

        • @Mirshe
          22 hours ago

          Pot Bellied Progressives is absolutely a folk punk group.

          • @[email protected]
            4 hours ago

            Swollen Socialist and the Pot Bellied Progressives?

            I dig it, they better be a proper punk band though. As in, none of them really know how to play an instrument, but God damn are they banging on their guitars anyways

      • don
        45 hours ago

        Maybe we should probably take some time to consider what sort of circumstances OOP may have had to endure due to his fascist regime, that may have prompted her post, before we start policing her tone.

        It’s maybe not great to invalidate her whole message because a part of it is unpleasant. Like, acknowledge her point first, then address the microaggression, I feel.

    • @Itdidnttrickledown
      35 hours ago

      Maybe don’t use body shaming terms though?

      You mean that fat fucking glutton trump? I have to worry about insulting others only to be told their insults of me are okay. I’ve just about reached my limit of tolerance for those that insist I have to adhere to their standards while they are okay labeling anyone they don’t like as they please. Even if that label offends.

      • @[email protected]
        55 hours ago

        My point is that him being fat is completely unrelated to him being a horrible person.

        I don’t care about offending horrible people; but being overweight and being a horrible person are entirely separate.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    228 hours ago

    Anyone still claiming to be undecided on Trump in 2024 is full of shit

  • @lewdian69
    7310 hours ago

    The problem is that no, apparently a close to electoral college winning amount of people can’t agree with that. It’s disheartening and frustrating and makes my chest hurt.

    • Seraph
      4610 hours ago

      It really is starting to affect my mental health. We are far more lost than I thought, and I already thought we were pretty lost.

      • @[email protected]
        339 hours ago

        Right. The question is less how do we move past trump and more how do we contend with half our population seriously lacking critical thinking skills? We have a crisis on our hands and it isn’t (just) fascism, it’s an inability to correctly process the information of the world around us.

        • @[email protected]
          66 hours ago

          Honestly, I think it’s more than half of our population that lacks critical thinking skills. Basically, there are two big camps, and both sides are screaming about how terrible the other candidate is without acknowledging how stupid it is that we only have two viable candidates to pick from for the most powerful office in the country, if not the world.

          I personally think that Trump is way worse than Harris, but that misses the point entirely. I strongly dislike both Harris and Trump, yet voting for anyone else is “throwing my vote away.” If we had a different voting system that took multiple preferences into account (ranked choice, STAR, approval, etc), we could maybe have viable third party candidates to pick from. But no, we only get two realistic candidates, and it seems the quiet majority is completely okay with that.

          If we had a better system, people who strongly dislike Harris could vote for someone else first, with Trump as their backup, and people who strongly dislike Trump could vote for someone else first, with Harris as their backup. And maybe, just maybe, a halfway decent candidate could be selected instead of picking between two bad options.

          I think more than half of the country agrees that Trump is terrible, they just don’t agree that he’s worse than Harris.

        • @[email protected]
          118 hours ago

          In many ways it is the core crisis that causes most of our other ones, including lack of a reaction to climate change, lack of accountability for the wealthy, lack of proper social safety nets,… because divide and conquer tactics by bad actors work a lot better if you only need to divide those who do possess critical thinking skills and those who don’t from each other.

          • @CitizenKong
            47 hours ago

            “So long as they (the Proles) continued to work and breed, their other activities were without importance. Left to themselves, like cattle turned loose upon the plains of Argentina, they had reverted to a style of life that appeared to be natural to them, a sort of ancestral pattern…Heavy physical work, the care of home and children, petty quarrels with neighbors, films, football, beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”

            George Orwell, 1984

  • IninewCrow
    1410 hours ago

    America: … ? … it’s so hard to choose … I can’t decide … what if I choose the wrong one? … it’s so hard … there’s not enough information

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    1310 hours ago

    “Sorry, best I can do is ignore all of that and complain about Hunter Biden.”

  • @[email protected]
    1210 hours ago

    What do you mean - we’re doing fine, maybe better than ever before?

    - the rich, now bring on round 2!

    • @mycodesucks
      8 hours ago

      Wait, which one is she talking about?

      Jokes written by LLMs. The words sort of match the patterns of jokes you’ve heard before, but the context doesn’t make any sense and it’s clearly being regurgitated with no understanding of anything in reality.