Raymond’s previous attorney, Joseph Long, argued at trial that Raymond was in the “crosshairs” of a culture war, and accused District Attorney Collin Sims of being “woke.”

Woah, that’s a strong argument, my man. Against a dude who more or less tortures kids (it’s been a while since I read about the charges and I didn’t complete this article, as I was only interested in learning the new sentencing date, Dec 2). Set the man free! /s

  • @[email protected]
    107 hours ago

    “Culture war” and “woke” is just code for “won’t let me be an unmitigated shithead and that hurts my fee fees”

  • @yesman
    67 hours ago

    “Sims treats everyone as if they are guilty until proven innocent and he is willing to manipulate the judicial system in order to pressure a defendant into accepting an unjust plea bargain.”

    Not only is this normal and acceptable behavior in our legal system, but the system would collapse without it.

    • @kn33
      47 hours ago

      Right? Like, there’s one person who’s supposed to treat someone as if they’re guilty prior to a verdict being delivered and that’s the DA