This thing costs as much as a Deluxe edition expansion… but I kinda want it…

  • @PunchingWood
    1 day ago

    Yeah I’m gonna pay jack shit for mounts, especially these kind of useful mounts that have exclusive features that can only be obtained through store purchase.

    It’s even more annoying that they’re also locking the 30th anniversary faction mounts behind a paid bundle as well. As if my many years of service and subscriptions isn’t sufficient to grant me (and others in the same boat) an opportunity to unlock that kind of stuff through the actual game with fun and creative challenges (no fucking token/rep grinds). Store purchases have no fucking place in a pay-to-play game with a monthly subscription on top, it would’ve been different had it been a subscriptionless F2P game, but it isn’t.

    They really love to screw over long-time players.

    They had already sunk to a new low when they introduced early-access and paid tender-tokens, but now they’re sinking even further down.

    • @PunchingWood
      51 day ago

      Because people keep buying these shitty things.

    • warm
      162 days ago

      People buy the skins. They actually spend money on this stuff. Crazy right?!

      So what are corporations going to do? They are going to slowly increase the price, see what they can get away with. Paid cosmetics started as microtransactions, $0.01 to $5, but have since ballooned into a $20-50 normality with them being way way up into the hundreds in some cases. It’s ridiculous, but it’s all because people actually buy this stuff…

      • @Blue_Morpho
        152 days ago

        I think it’s whale marketing. It’s easier to trick one person out of 100 to give you $100 than to trick 100 people to give you $1.

        • warm
          31 day ago

          I’m terribly sorry to tell you this, but it’s not just whales anymore, it’s a majority of people. Nearly everyone I come across in games has some sort of $20+ skin. The whales just moved on to spending more, but so did everyone else.

          The newer generations dont know any different, this is the norm for them.

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      because they can get away with it corporations are always pushing the boundaries of how shitty they can be, and we have arrived at maximum shit for now, until they figure out some new horrible thing to do. There is no going back people have accepted the shit and corporations wont give it up, the only hope is regulation. But there is, not exactly a silver lining since its not a side effect of the shit but there is is lack of shit in some places, AA games and indie games are just fine and they are putting out some of the best games ever made with no shit at all, its just “AAA” mainly that is shitty.

    • @itsJoelle
      12 days ago

      Risk less profit makes the quants and the suits happy. At worst you waste the wages of the artist to create model, and the whole bureaucratic corporate process to get it QA’d and on the shop.

  • @Iheartcheese
    162 days ago

    I tried going back to Warcraft for the first time in a few years Just a few weeks ago. It felt like going to a dead mall. There were like 3 people in stormwind and trade was dead.

    • @CptEnder
      123 hours ago

      Hey check out SOD if you want to see people in SW/Org. There’s 1000s just standing around waiting for rend to drop lmao.

    • @[email protected]
      132 days ago

      I mean since Burning Crusade people usually aren’t in capital cities, but mostly in the new zones capital like Shatt or Dornagal for TWW. You might also have been chromie phased?

      Game isn’t at 10 million anymore but it is far from dead.

      • @Iheartcheese
        12 days ago

        I started in LK days and org/storm was always packed. it started dwindling as time went on but bigger part for me is TRADE being a ghost town too. Who am I gonna play the anal game with?!

        • @Ptsf
          11 day ago

          They actually banned people for that for a while and it died off iirc

    • @PunchingWood
      1 day ago

      Stormwind and Orgrimmar haven’t been main capitals since the first expansions 20 years ago lol, people usually only stayed there for the auction houses.

      It’s been a moderately populated place on and off since then. But since Dragonflight there has been an auction house in the expansion zone, and now also in The War Within city. So there’s next to no reason to even stay in Stormwind/Orgrimmar anymore.

      • @[email protected]
        11 day ago

        And that’s really sad. The expansions added new content and areas which was great but also made the world so big that it feels empty. I think server phasing also had something to do with that, but with the dwindling player base compared to peek times, even the major cities in the expansions feel more empty than ever.

    • @[email protected]
      42 days ago

      You will probably want to go where the current content is, which isn’t the old capitals really. I also found that some servers are really dead, though many are linked to others and can for all intents and purposes be considered the same server.

      That being said this mount is absurdly priced and I kinda hope the buyers will somehow be ridiculed as in the past (blizzard literally disabled the ability to /spit at others because the playerbase bullied their real money shop customers with it a while ago).

      • @Iheartcheese
        22 days ago

        Those people in the new capitals would still be spamming the shit out of trade in the old days. also I should point out i used one of those server status webpages to make sure i was going to a high population alliance server. social shit is half the reason i play MMO’s (I say from my second monitor as I play FFXIV lol)

        • @[email protected]
          1 day ago

          Fair enough I suppose, though bliz made a second trade channel called services for all the super annoying sales macros. Perhaps you are not in there due to not being online for a long time? Though i must say on the realms marked as high pop or full I am playing on there are tons of people everywhere.

          But I suppose ff works too if that’s more up your alley

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      Most people are in Dornogal, enough to drop my FPS considerably when I’m there.

      Trade chat is dead tho

  • @Sanctus
    72 days ago

    I miss selling shit on Diablo’s auction house. I made like twenty bucks. It was dope.

    • @Concave1142
      122 days ago

      The RMAH on D3 is exactly the cause of what made me quit playing D3 and have not played Diablo since after spending hundreds of hours in D2. Path or Exiles has always been what I pictured D3 should have been but never was.

      • @Takumidesh
        32 days ago

        After the rework with reaper of souls, d3 was excellent imo.