What did you get up to, and what are you getting into here in the End of the Week?

  • Nomecks
    31 day ago

    Working on my first CIO level IT capability assessment and strategic improvement roadmap project. Woo IT organizational governance!

  • Admiral Patrick
    62 days ago

    I’ve finally gotten back into Tesseract development after a 2 month hiatus. I can only hyper-fixate on one thing at a time, and I spent the last 2 months reading books and lost track of time 😆

  • Akatsuki Levi
    52 days ago

    Work-wise, I figured out how to deprecate the mess that is multiple apps for the same purpose at work, and instead make a foundation to have the same app on all platforms (Windows, Linux, Web & Android)

    First time using Rust on client-side, quite hyped with how stuff with turn out to be

    Personal-wise, Had idea for a new game I want to try and make, just gotta puzzle and brainstorm the main character idea and flesh out more of the world itself

    • mesamune
      31 day ago

      Nice! I want to get into rust. At work we use python for everything is actually really nice. Im so used to using older languages, its refreshing to use something made in this decade.

      • Akatsuki Levi
        31 day ago

        Rust is good. Not perfect. The borrow checker sometimes can be a pain(cant use immutable reference because already using a mutable reference…), compile times are abysmal.

        But the language itself is really solid. It actually gives me similar vibes to using C/C++ but without having to fight the compiler or keep fiddling with CMake for 10 hours just so that it detects that one lib you’re trying to use.

        Surprisingly, Rust borrows some inspirations from Python, so it doesn’t feel that foreign and alien, but it still has a learning curve to it, specially with all the different types (eg. u8/i8, u16/i16/f16, u32/i32/f32, u64/i64/f64, usize, &str vs String, etc) But if you ever spent any amount of time with any other language that is on a similar level than C or C++, you’ll be in quite familiar territory

        Only thing that I can tell you that you’ll have a whole paradigm shift once it clicks with you, is the use of Structs, impl’s for abstration and traits. Once those clicks with you, the way you approach your code really shifts

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Found out I’m going to have to find a way to remotely rebuild 5 switches stuck running firmware from 2018. They’re so fucked we’re going to have to go into their pre boot environment and wipe them, then reinstall the new OS, then rebuild the configuration on each.

    Obviously this can’t be done during business hours, but the catch 22 is if something goes wrong when we try to do it we can’t get support until business hours anyway. It’s a pickle.

  • @hamFoilHat
    11 day ago

    I’m learning Rust. Working my way through the tutorial in “the book” and it has been interesting so far.

  • @ElectroVagrantOPM
    42 days ago

    Besides this, I’m still looking into & trying to decide whether I’d want to get more into writing. Last year around this time I wrote a few short stories for [email protected], but not as interested in that this time

    Thinking I should take a break from thinking on that and maybe watch some stuff or play some games, but indecisive, so instead posting this. 😅

  • mesamune
    21 day ago

    Open Sourced a library in development for a year. Off and on really. Should help with a very specialized field.

    My wife and I are going to try out some new games to see whats worth playing. Board/video games :)

    • @residentmarchant
      21 day ago

      Care to share a link? Always interested in niche OSS!

    • mesamune
      1 day ago

      I really need to add ci/cd and docs but here you go: https://github.com/michaelachrisco/accelapy

      There’s probably only around a hundred Accela developers in total haha. So this is as niche as it comes.

      It’s a client to a very closed source system called Accela. Huge system with hundreds of API endpoints. I mapped most of the relationships and added in validation where I could. It’s still rough in some places but tremendously helps.

  • @Sanctus
    1 day ago

    I’m planning my dbu table top this weekend. Gonna tag team DM it with my brother cause its pretty complex.

    • @ElectroVagrantOPM
      41 day ago

      Friendly heads-up, link’s running into a lemmy quirk, has to have the https:// in there, so: [dbu](https://dbu-rpg.com). Without backslash: dbu.

      Wasn’t aware of DBU RPG, so that’s cool to learn about!

  • slazer2au
    12 days ago

    Cractorio addiction kicked back in with the release of 2.0and the Space Age DLC.