• @PugJesusOPM
    52 days ago

    Explanation: The Emperor Tiberius was the second Emperor of Rome, chosen by Augustus for sheer lack of other viable options. Tiberius was known as tristissimus hominum - the gloomiest of men - and despite being well-educated and well-spoken, was not particularly well-liked for simple virtue of that fact. Thing is, he quite emphatically never wanted the job of Emperor, and spent the first portion of his reign trying to give the Senate back its power. The Senate, filled with lickspittles and toadies by the Emperor Augustus, balked, and refused to take on the responsibilities Tiberius tried to put on them, leading him to lament the Senate as “Men fit to be slaves”. This obviously also made him no additional friends.

    A series of events in the middle of his reign necessitated treason trials - which Tiberius did not necessarily comport himself well during. Being quite thoroughly tired of his miserable life ruling Rome, Tiberius fucked off afterwards to a nice Mediterranean island to, depending on what ancient sources you believe, either relax, or do weird sex stuff. He returned to Rome after a few years and did a number of additional, and more infamous treason trials, but that’s a story for another time.