Was looking on the Telstra page teaching customers about the benefits of 5G and found this gem.

  • @[email protected]
    345 months ago

    3G has quietly fucked off here in the the uk, which isn’t really noticeable in large towns or cities, but out in the countryside it’s a right mess. Any kind of hill/lump/undulation/mild topological perturbation between you and the mast, and there’s no signal. If you haven’t downloaded maps for that area then your satnav app stalls or lies, and half the time when you get a little bit of signal, it’s not actually enough to call or use data properly. It’s pretty screwed, and all just so the gov can make money re-licensing that bandwidth for another purpose

    • @halcyoncmdr
      65 months ago

      Sounds like an issue with not letting those same low frequencies be used for 4G instead. While it is true that 4G signals can’t quite reach as far as 3G on the same frequency, it’s still about 90%.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Technically that may be true, but we live somewhere that looks like the shire. Shorter wavelengths don’t propagate into the nooks and crannies behind the hills, and that’s pretty much what makes up half the uk. That 90% is a theoretical number, and may be true when you take all the moors and downs and that, but practically there’s a huge amount of area that doesn’t have signal that has days before 3G was taken off line

    • Twitches
      55 months ago

      Companies are forcing people to upgrade their phones in the US. I miss 4g, 5g sucks, it’s not as reliable outside the cities and personally I think it’s slower.

    • Zagorath
      34 months ago

      If you haven’t downloaded maps for that area then your satnav app stalls or lies

      Here that already happens even before 3G is shut down, depending on which telco you’re with. Telstra is really good in remote areas, Optus is pretty good most of the time but is more likely to drop in between towns, and Vodafone can be lacking even within the town in some smaller towns.

    • gila
      34 months ago

      IIRC there were still requirements for carriers to develop calling apps for non-VoLTE devices so they still had some kind of option other than being straight carrier blocked which isn’t the case in Aus.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Gutted. Nice to know you can trust them to keep you informed of big decisions like this ahead of time and not just tell you lies

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    The higher Gs are complementary techs, not replacements. It’s kind of like saying they’re going to phase out AM radio and you have to upgrade to FM.

  • @Crashumbc
    24 months ago

    My area 3G was shut down a few years ago. My alarm company actually sent a 4G -> 3G bridge so my alarm continued to work.