Here you can freely discuss the new episode of Re:Zero Season 3!

If you have not read the WN/LN of Arc 5 please go to the other post to discuss the episode as there will be spoilers here, you have been warned!

You are free to post spoilers up to the end of Arc 5 but anything beyond must use a spoiler tag.

Previous Episode

  • ShadowCatOPM
    13 months ago

    Another fantastic episode, probably the best of the season thus far and might not be topped until the 2nd cour honestly. From the novels I did imagine there to be more flies all crammed together in the room but it was still really uncomfortable.

    And Capella, wow. 10/10 animation and voice acting, Whole scene was amazing, as a character in the story I love Capella but you really do hate her she’s actually horrible.

    My anime only friends I’ve been watching with have started wondering when Subaru will die to redo all of this and I’m just trying hard to not tell them there’s no more deaths for this season, but it’s perfectly understandable, I was the same when reading the WN.