Today’s game is Alan Wake II. I got the FSR 3 mod running, bringing my frames up to a far more stable 30 fps outside. There’s some noticeable ghosting rarely but besides that it works great.

I took this screenshot while doing Alan’s story on my way to the theater. I love the poster because i love how it’s the opening of the First Game’s dialog. The whole game has so many cool poster and signs in the dark place.

I completed what i assume is the first part of Alan’s Story, and it automatically took me back to Saga’s. I decided to continue her part since it seems like that’s where the game wants me to go.

While continuing her story i took a portrait of Alan and Casey i thought came out well:

  • @aeronmelon
    54 months ago

    Alex Casey, aka Max Payne, aka Bruce Willis.

  • Coelacanth
    44 months ago

    I missed that you’ve started on Alan Wake 2 now, but I’m glad you’ve got it running somewhat acceptably! It’s a very demanding game, when I first played it I didn’t have my new PC so I’m intimately familiar with struggling to be able to run it.

    I’m glad you spotted the signs, I love the work on all the signs and graffiti in the dark place.

    How are you liking the game so far?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      14 months ago

      Loving it. I played a little bit on launch but put it on the shelf due to the performance (hoping updates would help) and I felt a little iffy on it due to how Alan was portrayed and the far more survival horror like gameplay. But since picking it up again it’s grown on me. I think if put against the First One/American Nightmare I don’t think I could pick a favorite. I love both for different reasons

      • Coelacanth
        34 months ago

        It’s become one of my favourite games of all time, I think it’s a masterpiece. I love the Remedy connected universe, and as someone who played and loved Max Payne back in the day I got a huge nostalgia kick from the cameos in AW2. When you first see Casey in the Max Payne 1 outfit I squealed.

        I also think Alice’s actress is absolutely killing it and am surprised she didn’t get more recognition.

        • MyNameIsAtticusOP
          24 months ago

          up until recently Alan Wake was the only Remedy game i played. I picked up control and loved it and then recently played through Max Payne. I think it’s evolved from Alan Wake being my favorite game too Remedy being my favorite game studio. It makes me excited seeing how all these things connect together.

  • @ChilledPeppers
    24 months ago

    What if you forgot a day, and just posted another one the next day without realizing?

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      14 months ago

      it’s something i’ve considered happening lol. i think there’s been a few times i thought i posted something only to remember that i didn’t actually and had to go do it before the end of the day