ILGA World said The Aguda’s proposal to hold the group’s next world conference in Tel Aviv had violated its aims and objectives, and it is now reviewing The Aguda’s larger compliance with the ILGA World constitution.

The Aguda’s bid had been due to be voted on at ILGA World’s conference this month in Cape Town, South Africa.

“We recognise the historical experience with apartheid and colonialism in South Africa: even the possibility of voting on such a bid in their home country would have been at odds with the unequivocal solidarity with the Palestinian people.”

The move follows an open letter by three Palestinian LGBTQ+ organisations to ILGA World last month, raising major concerns about how Israeli LGBTQ+ groups have historically helped “pinkwash” and divert attention from Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

  • @[email protected]
    324 months ago

    If western govs refuse to impose real legal sanctions that actually have some teeth, then our only resort is for the general public (including organized non-gov groups) to impose social sanctions.

  • @[email protected]
    84 months ago

    The move follows an open letter by three Palestinian LGBTQ+ organisations

    Interesting. Supposed Palestinian maltreatment of lgbtq is a pretty common talking point among the pro-israel crowd. Do these organizations operate within Palestine or are they expats?

  • @Dead_or_Alive
    -504 months ago

    Lol, go schedule the LBGTQ+ conference in any of the nations surrounding Israel. Advertise the shit out of it, banners and everything. I’d be happy to donate.

    Just make they book it somewhere with one story buildings.

      • @febra
        4 months ago

        The Israeli security agency shinbet has been notorious in the gay community in Palestine for making fake Grindr accounts and infiltrating underground queer spaces so that they can blackmail queer Palestinians and turn them into moles and informants. Many of them end up committing suicide because they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place. There really is no pride in genocide.

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        -224 months ago

        The fact that you ask that question should give you all the answer you need.

        • BNE
          54 months ago

          I doubt that’s going to work in the Hague.

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            -44 months ago

            I would love to see crimes committed against LBGTQ+ individuals in Mid Eastern countries taken up by the Hague. But it isn’t going to happen.

    • @kurwa
      194 months ago

      The only reason the Middle East has any issues is because of western countries invading, corrupting and colonizing.

      • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
        254 months ago

        The Iranian revolution (where fundamentalist Islam / Sharia took over the country) was a direct fallout from the Shah, (the US puppet dictator) losing power after exploiting his country for US interests (cheap oil) for nearly four decades. He died in exile while everyone in Iran accused each other of being secretly western puppets and then naturally the religious traditionalist were above these accusations.

        This isn’t a conspiracy theroy or anything, it’s all extremely on the record but so few Americans know or give a shit. Simmiliar story everywhere in the region. Religious fundamentalist extremism wasn’t the norm for the longest time until US intervention.

        • @febra
          94 months ago

          That’s why we, the queer community should stop letting western neoliberals coopt our movements. Our movements are being associated with western imperialism all across the world. Anti-western reactionary governments are using us as a scapegoat in turn. I’m from Eastern Europe and the LGBTQ movement is always associated with “western values”, and every time the west does something nasty, we are the first ones to take the blame for it.

        • @[email protected]
          34 months ago

          Book recommendation: Persepolis. It’s a graphic novel autobiography of a girl who lived through the Iranian revolution and eventually moved to Paris. It’s a very accessible read.

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        -124 months ago

        Lol, it’s the Wests fault that the Mid East is the way it is towards homosexuals?

        I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

        • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
          4 months ago

          It’s the US fault that Islamic extremists are the goverment.

          I thought Islam was the religion of peace?

          Most Christians are peaceful, but if an outside country destabilized the US democratic and republican party then placed the KKK in power, their version of Christianity would be what America lives under. Exactly as it happened in various middile eastern countries.

          This isn’t a consisparcy or anything, it’s basic history of the region freely available on Wikipedia. Saying anything else is just ignorance.

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            -144 months ago

            Lol, basic History…

            The US fought a war for independence… We don’t go around persecuting LGBTQ.

            Most of Eastern Europe was under Russia’s control for 60 years (some still are) any independent thought was stamped out. Ukraine is currently fighting a war for independence against Russian destabilization efforts. I don’t see them throwing LGBTQ off buildings.

            Much of Asia was under colonial control by western powers. They aren’t killing gay or transgender family members in Asia?

            It’s not hard to find a common thread in all Middle Eastern countries…

            Saying anything else is just ignorance.


            • @inb4_FoundTheVegan
              4 months ago

              It’s not hard to find a common thread in all Middle Eastern countries…

              Sweetie, this was my point. Your link proves my point.

              Please calm down and actually try to absorb what I’m telling you. This is basic history IF you care to learn it. I know it’s easy to fall in to xenophobia but the world is more complicated than just saying certain groups are universally evil.

              • @Dead_or_Alive
                -64 months ago


                That’s what the sound of an idea going over your head sounds like.

                But keep hiding behind whatever excuses you can think of to justify these crimes.

            • @febra
              84 months ago

              I’m from an Eastern European country that’s in the EU. LGBTQ people are still getting getting killed, although not by the government’s direct laws, but by the authorities’ unwillingness to take us seriously. I’m active in multiple queer organizations back home (I currently live abroad) and there are countless cases of police officers beating up gay and trans people (not at protests but in isolation, on the streets) with no subsequent investigations. Trans people are constantly brutalized and it is never taken seriously by anyone. It doesn’t even make the news. The government is spewing anti LGBT rhetoric because of it’s anti western stances, and that’s because the western neoliberal movement has coopted our movement and everyone else sees us as an extension of its politics/imperialism. There are also some very gruesome videos out of Ukraine with gay people being tied to trees and whipped with barbed wire. There are also cases of murders that have gone unsolved for years now. The only queer people you see there are the ones privileged enough to have better off families that can fend them from such acts of violence, and even that doesn’t always work. Many in our communities end up committing suicide because of this. And yes, there are a ton of LGBTQ murders even in Asia up to this day. Most of our community is stripped off any opportunity, they end up working as prostitutes and get brutalized by other civilians and authorities alike.

        • BNE
          54 months ago

          There it is. The thinly veiled Islamophobia.

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            -34 months ago

            There it is, white washing violence through accusations of Racism and Islamophobia.

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        -194 months ago

        Yep I read the article. My answer stands. Go to any surrounding country and hold that conference in the open.

        • @WaxedWookie
          04 months ago

          Hold it in Palestine, get murdered by Israel.

          Hold it in Iran, get murdered by Israel.

          Hold it in Lebanon, get murdered by Israel.

          …but Israel is less homophobic than them, so Israel’s genocide is good, actually.

          Are you able to explain why the Nazis were bad in a way that doesn’t implicate Israel?

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            04 months ago

            Your logic and grasp of the international situation seems lacking. But your sycophantic fervor for Palestinian propaganda in the face of hard truths is even more telling.

            Hold it in Palestine, get murdered by Israel.

            Palestine is a war zone… A war of aggression started in October by Hamas. I wouldn’t recommend holding the conference there for that reason alone. However the double whammy comes from the Palestinians themselves who would kill, jail and persecute LBGTQ+ members even without a war.

            Hold it in Iran, get murdered by Israel.

            Once again LBGTQ+ individuals would be killed, jailed and persecuted even without the current conflict with Israel. Women are beaten raped and killed just for refusing to cover their face. Iranians have rioted in recent days over this behavior. Yet you imply Israel is at fault… pathetic.


            Hold it in Lebanon, get murdered by Israel.

            Once again Lebanon is an active war zone. But even without the war Lebanon killed, jailed and persecuted LBGTQ+


            …but Israel is less homophobic than them, so Israel’s genocide is good, actually.

            Israel is the only country where LBGTQ individuals are accepted. Many LBGTQ+ people from surrounding countries flee to Israel to avoid persecution and death.


            Are you able to explain why the Nazis were bad in a way that doesn’t implicate Israel?

            Simple Israel is fighting a war that was thrust on it by Hamas in October. Nazis fought a war of aggression. The fact that you can’t tell the difference is sad.

            Go spew your toxic propaganda, I’m sure the Tankie’s will continue to get off on it and upvote you.

            • @WaxedWookie
              04 months ago

              A war of aggression started in October by Hamas.

              Yeah - history started 13 months ago, and the genocide being committed in Palestine is actually a Hamas war of aggression. Is it because it’s all Israeli territory and therefore that genocide is justified?

              Once again LBGTQ+ individuals would be killed, jailed and persecuted even without the current conflict with Israel.

              You don’t get to weaponise the LGBTQ+ community, who Israel is exterminating at a far quicker rate than everyone else in the region combined to justify the extermination of those LGBTQ+ people, their families, and everyone they care about.

              Once again Lebanon is an active war zone.

              Yes - Israel invaded them.

              Simple Israel is fighting a war that was thrust on it by Hamas in October. Nazis fought a war of aggression. The fact that you can’t tell the difference is sad.

              That’s probably less defensible than the argument that the Jews were sabotaging the German economy in defence of the Holocaust - it’s definitely less defensible than arguing Hitler had no choice but to start WWII because of the economic carve-up following WWI.

              Congratulations - you’re just as genocidal as the Nazis and use even stupider arguments than they do. The tankies can go fuck themselves - but my prescription for you would defy TOS, Rudolph Jitler.

    • @WaxedWookie
      44 months ago

      My bigotry and genocide is fine because other countries have bigotry, actually.

      What do you think you stand for, exactly?

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        -34 months ago

        I’m not really not sure what you stand for?

        You seem to fervently defend the genocide of LBGTQ+ when it’s a country that is opposed to Israel?

        Yet vehemently attack countries where LGBTQ+ are accepted, have rights, and have legal standing to fight injustices against them.

        • @WaxedWookie
          04 months ago

          It’s not complex - bigotry is bad, genocide, as the most extreme possible outcome of bigotry, is far worse. Some bigotry in a population isn’t justification for a genocide - that would be an apocalyptic prescription if applied consistently.

          You do understand why people would look at your prescriptions and think that you’re either a world-ending lunatic or genocidal piece of shit, right? Why would we be wrong?

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            04 months ago

            Except Israel didn’t start this war of aggression. Hamas did last October.

            Hamas and the countries surrounding Israel have a history of genocide and persecution against LBGTQ that you conveniently brush aside to support whatever outcome you think is right.

            If anyone needs to get back on their meds it’s you.

            • @WaxedWookie
              04 months ago


              History started 13 months ago (but only as it relates to the genocide Israel is committing) - but you’d better not pay attention to who has been killing the most LGBTQ+ people (and straight people, civilians, children…) in the region.

              I’m the one brushing aside reality, eh?

              You don’t ever look at the fact that you’re defending a genocide and question yourself? That you’re weaponising the Palestinian LGBTQ+ population whose extermination you’re actively supporting exterminating to justify that extermination?

              …nah - better to just say I’m off my meds.

              You wouldn’t have to tie yourself in bizarre knots to defend a genocide if you simply decided not to defend the indefensible. You don’t have a moral framework, you don’t have a logical framework - you have “Israel gud, so genocide gud.”