NB: This was just a post of me venting about two shit games back to back where the same player absolutely rolled through even when half of our team was pre-warned, but I wanna note that in general this trend of “one player gets fat then rolls the other team despite their best efforts” is something I’m noticing on my own teams too.

What am I meant to do when by luck or some other factor a player gets what you think is a meagre lead (1-2k) then spirals into an absolute seal clubbing?

When there’s not surrender mechanic you’re held ransom to ensure the winning team extracts their “fun” from having you feed into them until they decide playing TDM is enough and play the objectives?

I’ve had close games, equal games, games where we lose but it’s a well fought, but recent updates have stuffed the MMR (or maybe cheating and smurfing is just common now?)

  • @gaylord_fartmaster
    142 months ago

    Posts like these make me hope they never, ever add a surrender mechanic, and it’s nice to know they probably won’t for matchmaking (based on dota at least).

    This game has massive comeback potential. A team can be completely dominating the entire match, take one bad teamfight, and lose in one push pretty easily.

    • @[email protected]OP
      22 months ago

      I don’t really want a surrender mechanic either because yeah it’s lame and a copout, but I also don’t want to spend 40 minutes being shit on or being useless either?

      I don’t know if it’s MMR or something but recently my games have been someone on my team getting massive farm and dozens of kills to the point where it’s a seal clubbing which I have no impact on, or it’s the reverse where even despite coordinating one player is just so heavily fed by 10 minutes there’s no way to catch up.

      Ranked isn’t so bad because of the coordination but the slots are limited and awkward if you work full time.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      Same. i had some ahit games yesterday and the whole team didn’t do anything to stop that one guy who was getting fed. After 10min it was pretty clear we were getting rolled. I thought about a surrender mechanic, but immediately thought how everyone would just spam surrender when they lose a lane.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      I found when you’re in a team that gets rolled, they also don’t really care about the urn. I played a game where we had the 4 man handle a infernus. They had the urn and the infernus and our whole team was at the dropoff. We killed the infernus and everyone left for spawn, letting them get it. A lot of people don’t realise how important the urn is.

  • @[email protected]
    32 months ago

    I only play ranked, and have had the opposite experience recently. Are you playing un-ranked matches? Last time I played one I had similar frustrations.

    • @[email protected]OP
      12 months ago

      Unranked. It really could just be that because I seem to get less seal clubbings (in both directions) in ranked.

      It’s a shame the slots are so limited rn because I really struggle to make time to be online for ranked at all.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        My sympathies. I hope the slots are expanded soon. I’m sure there are many people that are in the same boat.

  • MentalEdge
    2 months ago

    No it doesn’t.

    It has a “players don’t know how to counter things, and just keep trying to turn it around by sweating harder, instead of adapting their build on the fly”.

    I got absolutely crushed yesterday in a match where the enemy Dynamo built pure CC. All he did was go around freezing my team and having his team wipe us multiple times.

    I was literally the only person on my team who bought unstoppable early on in order to counter him, and I did pull off some haze ults with multiple kills, but it wasn’t enough, because by the time I was done, I was still the sole survivor of my team.

    The rest of my team just proceeded to die over and over, allowing the other team to snowball past anything we could handle.

    In the game before that, I successfully shut down an Abrams that was out of control, simply by buying slowing hex (which disables his charge ability) and having a team that knew to focus him whenever I used it.

  • @[email protected]
    12 months ago

    Yesterday I had a game where we were 120k to 60k and they came back to 180k to 180k that was a tough match to win “only” because they won 1 teamfight and overextended