• @BanjoShepard
    24 months ago

    I did not need to know this existed. I already dislike snakes, I think in part because I find their movement patterns alien and unpredictable, but this is just breaking my brain.

    That said it could also be that I never find one until it’s underneath the log I just picked up or immediately under my foot as I’m walking. Very rarely do I see one from a distance and think “Oh cool a snake!”

    • PlumOPM
      34 months ago

      I’m lucky that my region has so few venomous snakes, so very rarely do I ever have to worry. I get to see rat snakes and big fat water snakes, and two kinds of garter snakes when I’m out on local trails. They’re usually sunning themselves and freak out when I startle them. I saw a copperhead one time and it was obviously cross with me.

      That being said, if something snaked at me in a rectilinear fashion I’d probably shit my pants.