DDHQ made the call after declaring Trump the projected winner of Pennsylvania and Alaska, which got him to exactly 270 electoral votes.

  • @[email protected]
    814 months ago

    I had so much hope for climate change and abortions rights and this burger man wins. Wtf is this state of world. The world will be on fire soon and the people can no longer do anything peaceful to stop it.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOP
      134 months ago

      It is important to escape our self-built echo chambers. Many independent journalists and commentators spoke of an increase in minority support for Trump and Harris not reaching the Biden numbers.

      We must focus on building up a grassroots movement that is for the working class and moving away from the duopoly.

      Stay hopeful!

      • Omega
        54 months ago

        Young people too. Being an asshole is starting to get popular again. And a running narrative has been that Trump’s policies were good, people just don’t like him because he’s an asshole. And 18 year olds don’t even remember the “grab them by the pussy” tape or anything he did that first year because they were 10.

    • Skeezix
      -54 months ago

      Wtf is this state of world.

      US. State of the US. We don’t need latent american exceptionalism to add to the problem.

      • @[email protected]
        164 months ago

        You are not wrong Russia invading Ukraine Isreal invading Palestine and kicking China playing games with Taiwan Everyone globally saying how but jobs like Trump are sprouting up. It hurts that I can’t see one place to go or feel safe from the muricans.

      • @grue
        134 months ago

        No, world. Where the US “leads” a lot of the rest of the world will follow, and the MAGAs are Hell-bent in leading us all off a +4°C cliff.

  • MightyCuriosity
    314 months ago

    As a non US citizen I’m genuinely curious: how could people vote for this convicted, deranged, senile, racist, homophobic grandpa? Like what arguments do they use?

    • @Mirshe
      144 months ago

      Inflation. “The economy” was the #1 polled issue among Republicans by far. We saw this as well with Bush and Trump’s win in 2016 - for a lot of people, a scary amount, if you just promise “hey I’ll make the economy better.”

    • skulblaka
      44 months ago

      You’re the only other person I’ve seen mention this at all. I said it earlier, you, me, everyone, everyone’s cousin, and also the FBI were very well aware that Trump & Co were definitely attempting to cheat the election, they’ve proven their intent to do so, and proper certification and electoral votes aren’t even until mid December. I don’t understand how this is possibly being uncontested right now. There are way less votes than everyone expected, it comes out in Trump’s favor with exactly the thin margin he needed to win, and everyone is just running with “Yep he’s won we know this 3 hours after election night there is no need to follow up further”

      I, for one, don’t believe a bit of this for at least the next month and expect some major findings in the next few weeks. I also might just be on the copium, who knows.

  • @GrammarPolice
    4 months ago

    Trump is the only US president to ever face and beat two female candidates. Quite the record if i must say

  • Hal-5700X
    -834 months ago

    This is going to play out like 2016. The Left are to make every little thing. He does into the biggest baddest thing of all time. The world didn’t end in 2016, so why will it end now?

    • @[email protected]
      504 months ago

      No one is expecting “world to end”. It’s just going to get somewhat shittier whereas it could have gotten better or at least stayed the same. Also for some minorities it’s going to get a lot shittier.

      • @TexasDrunk
        424 months ago

        And for Ukraine and Gaza. So all those folks saying Kamala didn’t have a hard enough stance should be thrilled right now.

        • Omega
          34 months ago

          I can’t imagine Palestinians are wrecked by this news. There’s a good chance it’ll get worse, but it’s still fairly ambiguous.

          I really wonder how Ukrainians feel though. This is a major win for Russia.

          • @[email protected]
            54 months ago

            There’s indication Netanyahu wants to seize parts of Gaza into Israel. If it comes to that, there is no way Trump is going to do anything about it (except try to extract maximal gain for himself in terms of favors etc.)

            • Omega
              24 months ago

              I really, REALLY hate throwing “both sides” out there because it’s usually bullshit. But I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that any of the candidates would stop Israel from doing that. There’s barely a slim chance that either of the Dem nominees would have even done a damn thing more than lip service.

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                I can’t really say you’re wrong, since we will never know. I had the feeling that Biden was reluctant to do anything because of the incoming elections, whereas Harris might have done something. But alas, we’ll never know.

                (as a side note, I feel like you’d have gotten away with both parties better here, as the “both sides” is typically just used to equate nazis with regular people and normalize/excuse their behavior - nothing wrong with hating the term)

        • @[email protected]
          -54 months ago

          They wouldn’t be thrilled, either way. I hope the ones blindly supporting the Democrats pandering to the right are thrilled, instead.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Honestly I do expect this term to be worse than the first. He had to temper his behavior and choices because he wanted to be reflected. Now there isn’t any chance of reelection so he will be more likely to do drastic things with no regard for the consequences.

    • Skiluros
      254 months ago

      Historically that’s not necessarily the case. Authoritarians who come to power via somewhat democratic means in their first terms to be much more mild relative to subsequent terms where they solidify their hold on institutions.

      One notable example would be Putin’s first term (which is largely seen to be a fair win) or even when Medvedev was ordered to warm the seat. It always only gets worse, at least from historical examples.

      The bigger question is whether the US opposition has any willingness to fight, which I don’t believe to be the case.

      • Omega
        104 months ago

        And tried to murder his VP and congress for supporting democracy.