I am looking for suggestions on how to tackle a large reading list (currently at 556). A big part (maybe smaller than I think) is a collection of Ann Rule, Stephen King and Star Trek novels (currently just the Pocket TOS and movie novelizations). The way I go about things is to just read whatever I am in the mood for. Makes it hard for me to keep a consistent reading progression. I do read by publication date.

I want to hear how others pick what to read. My current idea is to take a chunk of one selection and alternate with others in between.

  • @[email protected]
    164 months ago

    there is a near limitless supply of text to read. if you start a book that feels too light or boring, ditch it. i think its worthwhile to read things you dislike or may not agree things from time to time, but its totally okay to abandon a book that you do not feel is worth your time. i say start with what interests you most! i think a good reading list is a mutable construct to give you ideas on what to read next and keep you from forgetting books you heard about, not necessarily a list to really kill. also you can remove books from it that dont interest you anymore, its not an assignment. i think a strong book lover will have a list that keeps growing throughout their life :)

      • @[email protected]
        54 months ago

        Also, never take recommendations from sites like Lemmy or Reddit. If you ask the average internaut what they recommend, they’ll come out with the most pretentious thing they can think of, rather than admitting they’re powering through all 25 Jack Reacher novels lol

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          There’s 25 of those? Goddamn. Might have to start those after I’m done with the Horus Heresy.

  • @Okokimup
    4 months ago

    I keep an ever expanding TBR. Every time I’m ready for a new book I use a random number generator to tell me what’s next. Keeps things interesting and eliminates analysis paralysis. I completely agree with the suggestion to ditch books you’re not enjoying. Life is too short for bad fiction.

  • @jordanlund
    24 months ago

    Whatever is on top of the stack first. :)

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    when i have a long list i go with audio novels first and then read written versions if there’s no audio version. that way i can “read” through my list while simultaneously working and burning time on social media. lol

    I’ve started with the audio book series entitled: Anti Imperialism of Star Trek Deep Space Nine and then i think i’m going to read theory after that.