Hi there! For a bit of context, I’ve played quite a bit of Warframe so far. My main’s MR 21, got good toys, not a lvl. 999+ Endless Mode player, but I have a good bit of gear and research unlocked.

Most important of said resources is a Clan. I’ve founded it strictly for a Railjack and for the Clan specific research. It’s currently fully furbished with all available labs and lairs, Dry Dock, Navigation section, Trade Hub, basically everything that’s essential is there.

But now that I’ve unlocked most of the things which interested me, it basically serves as a very expensive Railjack garage and nothing more. So I was thinking I might breathe some life into it and make it available to more people who could use this stuff.

My idea would be that everyone would be set to Warlord by default, so equal authority and no bickering over roles. The ethos of the Clan is mainly as a safe space for anyone and everyone as long as they bring no hate toward others, and I want it to be a safety net for people, a space in which they can help eachother, form a community, play around with Clan builds, try their hand at decorations, get access to that section of toys, the works. A sort of Space Commune, if you will.

I’m really looking forward to any feedback, observations, input, or even an expression of interest, and I thank you for taking your time!

  • @Postmortal_Pop
    93 months ago

    This is basically how we run our clan, everything but the top two tiers are identical and the different titles are just based on how much you donate or help others.

    I can give two major tips. Firstly, don’t just promote everyone to max. Keep a shortlist of people you trust not to delete the decor or rooms, and everyone else just gets the dojo and the help.

    Second, recruit around Mars to Saturn. If they got that far in the game, they’re a fan and they’ll likely be around for the long haul. If you snag them there, the help from experienced players and the access to a stocked dojo will seal them in and you may end up with a few good friends and regular gaming buddies. Before that and you catch a bunch of lookie loos who picked up the free game and will likely not sick to it. After that and you run into more clans like yourself, one tenno teams who may be too invested in their own dojo to abandon it for someone else’s.

    • @latenightnoirOP
      3 months ago

      Hey, good to know there are other such initiatives out there, gives me hope! ❤️

      And thank you for your insights, I’m really not all that familiar with how “things are done” around here in terms of Clan dynamics and such. Only ever had two, both made by myself, one with a couple of close friends, and this latest endeavor which was mostly a work of boredom, to be honest.

      I’ve really been mulling this aspect of limitations around since yesterday and somehow I can’t gel role limits with the vision I had for this idea. I’d very much like to try going for a communal structure, let everyone be 100% equal (minus the odd man out who’ll guard the nuke, so to speak), and try to function based on consensus and empathy. I’m aware this opens it up to the potential of it all blowing up in my face, which is why I (and, hopefully, eventually we) will have to be a bit selective and mindful of newcomers, but I really don’t want it to feel oppressive, just cautious.

      In the end, everything which is there will remain there, including any Platinum, research, or anything else. If someone deletes a room, the only thing lost would be the time needed to grind for resources. To be perfectly honest, I think I have enough stuff to rebuild half of the Dojo at this point, so I’m not too worried about that.

      This is why I’d very much want to at least gather a core of like-minded people, as you’ve said, and handle the rest together. I don’t even think game experience would be a factor in this case.

      I want people to have that feeling of walking into a busy Relay and seeing that crowd going about their day, with the added benefit of said space being theirs. I want people to have creative freedom to restructure the place, to decorate it, to make it theirs. I want this to be as participative as desired, but every major change would be discussed in public and approved via popular vote and based on needs (i.e. no deleting the Dry Dock if other people are grinding the content, but the request to do so will still be discussed and considered for a later date, etc.).

      And, most importantly, I want people to feel safe there, to know that at least nobody’ll bother them. Introverts 100% welcome! Don’t know if this makes sense, maybe I need to refine the vision a bit first:))

      Either way, thank you so much for your message, it really did put a lot of things into perspective!

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    I’m curious about it. I have only a few hours in warframe but some planning might be fun! Send deets?

    • @latenightnoirOP
      13 months ago

      Hello and welcome to the community!:D

      To put it hyperbolically, Anarchist Utopia!=)) At least that’s my rose tinted vision for it, anyway:))

      I essentially want everyone to have the same level of control over it, the same level of ownership, and contribute as much or as little as they would like, as long as mutual respect and consideration are maintained throughout one’s stay. LGBTQIA+ friendly, safe space, freedom of speech and expression are paramount as long as said expression isn’t destructive and/or harmful in any way, no barrier of entry in terms of levels of game experience, no leader, per-se, with everything being determined via communication and consensus, etc. Talk sh*t, get kick’d, but no witch hunts, no mob justice - discussion and consensus throughout. And if some “roles” arise organically from the whole thing, then so be it!

      Social participation is up to each and every member - you’re more than welcome if you just want that feeling of belonging without necessarily participating all the time (and need a place to store your Railjack), or if you’re looking to organise grind parties, to help out the newbies, or prep for Sorties and such.

      In terms of material participation, as I’ve said, I have unlocked the most relevant bits of Research, like the 100-packs of Restore Kits (all 4 of them, what is a social life, haha), all Labs are built, Dojo is structured in such a way as to allow for logical expansion and already has a lotta room for going nuts with a paint brush, so there’s… really not all that much of a pressure to contribute anything in terms of progression… Mostly all that’s left to unlock is weaponry and Dojo paints, but there’s already so much stuff available, that I can’t see there being any rush for more…

      If this sounds good to you, drop me a private message and I’ll add you in-game!

  • @latenightnoirOP
    3 months ago

    Just hit me, maybe a trial period in one of the more restricted authority levels, just to make sure initial impressions are at least maintained. Or maybe that’s too restrictive, I dunno… Would really like to believe this will become a friendly space without the need for safeguards or restrictions, but… people…

    And to add, I’m going for this communal consensus type of structure because I’m really not that big on leadership stuff, nor am I big on too much socialising. If this thing were to go down, I’d want to be just one of the faces in the crowd, part of the consensus mechanism. Will help when and where, but other than keeping the Founding Warlord title to make sure nothing catastrophic can ever happen to the Clan, like… I just grind here:))