The Scion of the Burning Wind, protector of Reshantur, most slippery frame - Nezha!

Release date: 2015-12-16

Passive: Nezha slides 60% faster and goes 35% farther.
Fire Walker - Blaze a trail of flames, scorching enemies and cleansing allies.
Blazing Chakram - Hurl a flaming ring that burns enemies and causes them to emit a healing blast on death. Reactivate to instantly travel to the ring’s location.
Warding Halo - Create a protective ring of fire that also stuns and damage enemies who get too close.
Divine Spears - Impale nearby enemies on spears that erupt from the ground.

Acquisition: Main and component blueprints can be purchased from the Tenno Lab in the dojo.

  • KeegenOP
    64 months ago

    My favorite frame, and another one that has received a massive power-up since his last thread! I mentioned it before but I love Nezha. Strap in, this will be a long post! I play a lot of tanks. 4/5 of my most played frames are tanks. Nezha was what I finally settled down on after playing Rhino, Inaros and Revenant. He’s just such an amazing generalist that it’s never a wrong move to bring him, no matter the mission. He’s very fast with his Fire Walker + passive which makes him a good pick for any speedrun mission, like relics or captures. Damage boost with Blazing Chakram and incredible survivability with Warding Halo makes him a great boss slayer. And Divine Spears (pre-augment) were OK CC if you needed some. He’s never the absolute best pick, but he’s also never a wrong one. The one thing he wasn’t quite great at was AoE nuking, you had to rely on your weapons for that. Of course, this has changed completely all thanks to Divine Retribution! Now Nezha has the complete package, going fast, having a dmg boost, not dying and nuking crowds! This augment turned an ability many people subsumed over into one you base his whole build around. Here is what I’m running on my Nezha:

    The most important stat becomes range, you want to get as much of it as you can. Overextended in a no-brainer, so is Stretch. The reason I’m running the Archon version is because I also use Panzer Vulpaphyla with Shocking Claws which makes the Quills it shoots out proc electricity, triggering the Archon Stretch (don’t ask me how that works, spaghetti code). This is absolutely not necesarry but a nice to have bonus if you use the Panzer. Your core energy economy mod is Equilibrium, Nezha’s 2 causes each enemy it hits to drop a guaranteed health orb. Even if you can only hit one enemy, that’s still 30 energy generated for you, and you will almost always hit at least 3-4. The Umbral set is great as Nezha loves all 3 stats it provides. You can easily just run the base versions of the mods and do just fine. Adaptation is another no-brainer, your Warding Halo + your armor + Adaptation will make you nigh invincible. The Arcanes are to taste, although Grace is incredibly good if you have it. Blessing works exceptionally well on Nezha given you are already incentivized to spam his Chakram and generate health orbs that way. This could be Guardian or Augmented as well, both solid options. The Aura is another personal choice, I like Sprint Boost because Nezha’s run speed coupled with his slides allows him to completely forgo bullet jumps in favor of just sprinting though the mission. Growing Power is a good option too, as is Brief Respite for some extra shield gating from your Blazing Chakram and Divine Spears spam. Cunning Drift is pretty much the BiS Exilus mod, more sliding and more range - both things we love!

    Now that I’ve explained my mod choices, it’s time to talk about the star of the show - Divine Spears + Divine Retribution! This ability requires you bring specific weapons that can enable it. Anything that relies on status to kill will do, for melee that would be anything with Melee Influence (the scaling gets pretty funny if you can hit a lot of speared enemies) or a Glaive Prime with it’s guaranteed slash procs. For guns, my favorite in the Strun Incarnon. Build for status and Viral/Slash it outputs an insane number of procs. One important thing to note is that the augment has a specific quirk to it - if you kill a speared enemy in one shot with the weapon’s raw damage, no statuses will spread to others. This can be pretty annoying for anything non Steel Path, but I found a workaround. Using your Blazing Chakram is a pretty good way to build up a cascading amount of heat procs on all speared enemies without killing them outright, as the Chakram’s initial damage isn’t that high. Of course, just using your weapons to kill everything low level is also completely viable.

    That pretty much wraps it up! This really ended up being quite a long post, but I really really love this frame. He’s the frame I play as most of the time and my reliable ally in any mission as a 95% solo player. Here is a bonus fashionframe of my Nezha to end it on:

  • @CheeseNoodle
    44 months ago

    Long live the best twink frame! Got to agree he’s always been an amazing generalist and tank (with optional turning all teammates into tanks) and divine retribution was just the icing on the cake.