Over the last 15 years I created Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber and Everyone is Gay. I was on MTV, I toured with Lady Gaga, and in September 2014 I released my first book “This is a Book for Parents of Gay Kids”

I wrote about all that entertainment industry bullshit in the memoir i released exactly 10 years later in September of 2024.

What has me fucked up is… two months before my memoir was released I became inundated with memories from another reality. At first, I thought I was just having an idea for a fanfic about Vanessa Hudgens but, like, I’m not even a fan of Vanessa Hudgens. I do not write fiction, I have never written fiction. I can’t come up with shit in my head. And I wasn’t coming up with this shit! I was having memories. It felt like memories and I…idk…remembered it like memories. I have had memories of the future before. Small ones, little things that i could kind of talk myself out of, I talk about it briefly in the memoir I released in September.

The point of this post is, I wrote a whole fucking memoir and I physically can not bring myself to talk about it because that person is not me anymore. I know it’s not me anymore because I saw myself in the future and in the future I am a time travelling teacher with a super hot wife. My wife, 44, and I travel to different realities via collective consciousness. In the reality that I remembered this summer, she took over the consciousness of someone who looked like an older Vanessa Hudgens and we manipulated Vanessa and her best friend, Dan into living their best lives (or something). And to clarify, yes, I am saying that my best friend in another reality is Vanessa Hudgens. Which is not all that far-fetched considering my bestie-ship in this reality with girls like Gabi Gregg, Shailene Woodley, Kate Nash, and Stevie Boebi… Vanessa Hudgens is honestly kind of a mishmash of all of them.

Anyway. I literally HAD to write this alternate reality shit out and it turned into My Memoir From An Alternate Reality. I finished the alt reality memoir on August 19th and that night I had this INSANE transcendental experience involving myself and an unidentified Aquarius doing a radio show. The next day, August 20th, I sent my finished book to my friend, Ashe. A few hours later I saw the hottest girl ever on tiktok and I flirted with her. After a tasteful back and forth on TikTok, she slid in my DMs and I asked her thoughts on time travel. She said, verbatim, words that 44 said in the alt reality I’d been remembering. Thank fuck I had written them down in a book and sent the book to a friend so I had confirmation it was all real.

The girl is an Aquarius and we’re about to start a podcast.

I wish i was fucking lying.

Has some shit like this ever happened to anyone else?

p.s. alt reality memoir attached to this post via a proton drive link

  • @SamuraiBeandog
    194 months ago

    If this is real and not a writing experiment, you probably have a mental illness. You should see a doctor.

  • John Doe
    21 month ago

    This kind of post is what the internet was made for.

    • @weremacaque
      24 days ago

      Partway through, I thought the alternative reality was going to be a metaphor for the brief time period of 2011-the first half of 2016 when it seemed like there was real progress for the community. It really does feel like a whole other timeline at this point because of just how different the vibes were. Unfortunately, it’s not and there’s historical precedent of huge cultural shifts like this.

      Instead, I guess this post really is about alternative realities. I’m not sure if I should upvote it because it’s a perfect copypasta or downvote it because it’s either a troll or a schizophrenic episode.