I do a defect run, I accrue bunch of skills, then I get nobbed.

I retry, get a claw deck going. But there is no All for one in sight. Avocado bops me with big hit, dead.

Then I meet neow again, transforms a card into reprogram. Gee, with a feeling that run is ruined, I build around the reprogram. Defragment and Biased Cognition shows up couple of times, but I already lost the way of focus. Finding and playing reprogram many times turn out to be incredibly difficult, reprogram often fails to turn up by turn 3. Reaches to boss with little health, dies to the Champ.

Then again, I retry in hopes of something better. In the way, I find key cards of Core Surge & Biased Cognition, and 2 Capacitors. Get millions of orb going with 5 focus, becomes literally unbeatable. Eventually, beat the heart with 7 icy orbs and 2 sparky orbs, cycling them around.

Next moment after credits, I find myself clicking Ironclad and I am back to Neow… Damn, why is this game so much replayable? I cannot break out of it, Aaah

  • WoolyNelson
    4 months ago

    I’ve been so lost in the workshop for this game, it was a “new” experience running it without them last week.

    I love this game.