GHQ is a fast-paced two-player battle game in which each player maneuvers military units — infantry, armored vehicles, artillery and an airborne regiment — to capture the other player’s headquarters.
Definitely picking this up, I’m curious what he cooked up. I’m a fan of simple-but-deep strategy games and Vonnegut both, I’ll report back after a few games probably this evening.
The 40 pages of notes amid Vonnegut’s papers include several revisions of its rules, but also pitch letters to board-game companies suggesting that *GHQ *could “become the third popular checkerboard game” — and even “be used to train cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.”
Vonnegut was such a character that I wouldn’t trust him to build a game that could be won. Anyway, sawing off my arm as a handicap now so I get equal odds against my alien buddy.