What are some of your favorite YouTube video(s) that always pull you back?
Be it weeks, months, or years since you’ve last seen them, but you know you’ll want to come back and watch them again.
I’m looking for specific videos you find great value in re-experiencing.
It absolutely doesn’t matter what the video is, how many views it has, how long it is, or what it’s topic and genre are - it just has to be something you’ll always want to re-watch and experience from time to time.
It could be for nostalgia, sentimental value, memories, meaning, usefulness, something that cheers up when you’re feeling down, something that inspires you, cracks you up, tickles your emotions, some vibe you really like, something immersive or anything meaningful enough that keeps you coming back.
My motivation behind this post is to potentially find some gems I still haven’t discovered to add to my collection (and perhaps help others do the same).
I guess it would be fair I also share some of mine, both as examples and to share these finds with others who may also like them (some of my favorites, random order):
https://pastebin.com/iYu2SsXn (external link because it’s a pretty big list)
Alternative description of what I’m looking for:
Which video(s) do you love so much (and keep watching repeatedly) that you would want them backed up and saved offline in a hypothetical scenario of a global permanent internet outage?
Oh yeah! Though I would have gone with the history of the entire world, i guess.
Japan was the first of his that I saw, and you never forget your first.
A 1-minute video called “THE GRANDAD SHUFFLE OFF TO CARNAO BEATS - HOUSE” I know it’s remixing the house into an existing video, but I just love watching the old guy dance to the beat. Plus the way the 2nd dude bowls in is great.
Dan Olson’s (aka Folding Ideas) “Line Goes Up” is extremely rewatchable. In the same vein, münecat’s “Web 3.0: A Libertarian Dystopia” is up there.
More similar to your entries might be Patrick on a seahorse listening to fly me to the moon or Western Plastic (specifically this version).
Or perhaps kekeflipnote’s Rats <3.
Love and theft is a favorite of mine https://youtu.be/rEUxlwb2uFI?si=LLB5-uh4izf4L9Gs
Also all of the cyriak ones. e.g. https://youtu.be/jX3iLfcMDCw?si=oELC2l1NablAQGZe
Olan Rodgers’ Videos especially Ghost in the Stalls he’s a really entertaining storyteller.