I’m working my way through Dead Sea by Tim Curran, maybe 25% in. So far I like it but there are times when I feel like it’s dragging a bit.

Also listening to the audiobook for Let Me In by John Ajvide Lindqvist. Almost finished and have been really enjoying it.

  • Willard Herman
    61 year ago

    Rereading “The Haunter of the Dark” by H. P. Lovecraft today. And soon I hope, the rest of his Cthulhu stories.

    • LNowhere
      41 year ago

      Lovecraft is excellent. My favorites of his are “The Shadow Out of Time” and “Dream Quest of Unkown Kadath”.

      • Willard Herman
        31 year ago

        I just finished “The Shadow out of Time”. Right after! It was so good. I think, “The Dreams in the Witch House” & “The Thing on the Doorstep” & “The Color Out of Space” are maybe my favorites. I say maybe because I often find that whichever one I’m reading is my favorite.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Joe Hill’s Full Throttle. It’s a book of short stories and I find they’re just the right length.

    Really enjoying it and some of the stories are pretty compelling.

    • @defaultnamespaceOP
      21 year ago

      I think Faun may have been my favorite in that collection.

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    I’m near the end of The Ruins by Scott Smith. I am not enjoying it although it is enthralling and dreadful. I feel bad for everyone and they do such foolish things. The “villain” is terrible and relentless. I can’t not finish but it is NOT a fun read. Just misery.

    • @rmmmmmmm
      21 year ago

      This is actually exciting news for me lol. I just bought it and I love a good misery book.

  • @factori_funnerer
    31 year ago

    Almost done with Adam Nevill’s No One Gets Out Alive. Does it go without saying that the book is better than the movie? Movie is hardly anything like the book anyway. Recommended for those into supernatural stuff.

    • knitapeace
      21 year ago

      Just finished Last Days and really loved it. I’ll add this to my TBR.

  • @progenyofthestars
    31 year ago

    I’m enjoying “Dead Meat” series by Nick Clausen, currently on day 5.

    It’s "Night of the Living Dead"esque, takes place at the beginning of the outbreak and the action is in Denmark. It’s quite different than traditional stuff from US, since there’s no crazy gun ownership in Europe - lots of close, in-your-face struggles, usually ending in bites.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    I’ve been on a Stephen Graham Jones kick. I read “Only Good Indians” last month and am finishing up “Mongrels” right now. OGI is great I def recommend it

  • @PonyDanza
    31 year ago

    I just finished Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt. I found it to be a more unique story, pulling from a wider variety of influences for the sources of the scares, than his previous novel Hex even if it ended up being a bit more uneven as result. I still think when it works it really works, but there were certainly portions of the book where it lost steam for me as well. Definitely looking forward to seeing how his next book Oracle turns out!

    Next, I’m planning to start The Hacienda by Isabel Cañas for some classic gothic haunted house vibes hopefully!

  • knitapeace
    21 year ago

    I just started Grand Hotel by Scott Kenemore. It has a pretty bad rating on Goodreads but I’m enjoying it so far, it’s giving AHS Hotel plus a little Chaucer with all the weird individual stories.

    • @defaultnamespaceOP
      21 year ago

      I listened to the audiobook and thought it was pretty good.

  • @rmmmmmmm
    21 year ago

    I just finished reading Little Eve by Catriona Ward. This book has some real creepy vibes, and I’ll never look at honey the same way! I really liked it, and it was my first book by Catriona Ward. I’m definitely a fan!