I’ve played every NMS expedition and while there have always been a problem Communication Stations, it wasn’t until this latest expedition that I felt like trolling was getting worse.

On the first day of the expedition, I claimed a spot at the 2nd rendezvous system around some Runaway Mould, built a small base, and uploaded it. I slowly kept adding to the base over time, especially once I completed the expedition. So far I’ve had at least 8 different people build on top of it, which means I have to report their bases just so I can walk around my own. While I’ve had some people build close to my base, I have never had anyone literally build on the same spot, much less multiple people.

It stinks that Hello Games isn’t doing a better job of making sure bases can’t overlap, but it stinks even more that people take advantage of it.

  • @kat_angstrom
    134 months ago

    Expeditions have way more bugs than standard play, which is a bit of a shame. I had to exit the Fishing expedition because my save file kept freezing, gave up on Expeditions ever since, which sucks since I finished the first twelve.

    Keep in mind though, multiple bases built over the same area may not be trolling- other players may not even see your base when they’re building theirs, until they log back in to find a base on top of their own; that’s what happened to me on Expedition 12

  • Dr. Wesker
    114 months ago

    It seems weird that they don’t just have a reasonable no-build proximity to existing player structures.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      They do exactly that. But, it’s buggy and behaves weirdly with uploaded and deleted bases.

      There’s also the problematic case of several players building a base in the same spot and not uploading it… Then later uploading it: tada! Several bases in one place.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        It’s probably made even more of a problem for the Normandy expedition because of the incentive to disconnect and play offline. Trying to find uncharted systems is a chore if you don’t.

        So let’s say you just forgot to reconnect before creating your base, of course the game won’t find any overlap.

        The game should check overlapping again for upload, not just creation.

  • nocturne
    84 months ago

    Untill recently i had very unreliable internet so i played a lot of expeditions offline. I have come back to bases after going online to find that someone else has a base in the same spot.

  • m-p{3}
    4 months ago

    I think it’s unintentional, I’ve seen times where their servers were struggling and the game was unable to check if the spot was claimed by someone, and when it fails, the game assume the spot is free, leading to duplicate use of the same spot…

    I wish the verification was more robust, but then if it would fail when there’s a server downtime then nobody would be able to claim a land. You don’t want to block a functionally as integral as building because of an outage…

    A potential solution would be to check who first claimed the land, and the user who did it first keeps it whil the others are expropriated and need to rebuild somewhere else, but then there are edge cases to consider

    • if someone claimed the land while the servers were down, and someone claimed the same land while the servers were up, who has the valid claim?

    The one who says they did it first with only a timestamp as the proof (maybe they set their system clock in the past to fake it), or the one who claimed it and has the proof in the servers?

    • Jeff RoseOP
      24 months ago

      Agreed. If they can’t catch overlapping bases up front because of connectivity issues, some sort of cleanup process would make sense. Check the timestamps of Base Computer placement or Upload; the first one wins and the others get deleted. Parts from deleted bases show up in the Base Salvage Capsule like normal.

  • DrSleepless
    24 months ago

    As the game gets bigger you’ll get more trolls

  • Jeff RoseOP
    14 months ago

    What’s funny is since posting this, two more people have built bases on top of mine. 🙄

    On the one hand, being in a secluded system by yourself means stuff like this doesn’t happen. On the other hand, it’s generally more fun to have people around in a multiplayer game. Trade-offs, I guess. 🤷‍♂️

  • Jeff RoseOP
    14 months ago

    OK, unfortunately it looks like this issue has gone from kind of annoying to game breaking. I can no longer be at my base for long without the game locking up. Maybe it’s an unrelated defect and just a coincidence, but maybe not. 😠