“stop normalizing the grind and normalize whatever this is”

(picture of Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Rabbit sitting around a table just talking, wrapped in blankets, each holding a hot drink)

  • @azdood85
    1 year ago

    My uncle normalizes that. Been retired for 2/3 of his life. Sits at the town diner with his buddies bitching about how this country “Aint Americkahn No Mo” with their red hats and thin blue line shirts.

  • @Hotdogman
    41 year ago

    Poverty. That’s what that picture is. Cold out, nothing for a fire besides the furniture you’re sitting on. Food is depleted by the jar on the ground and they’re sitting around trying to stay warm by drinking the last of the hot water while wearing blankets. Let’s not allow corporations to normalize this picture for us.