Hi. Basically, I’m asking for suggestions. Do you know any good 2FA app that works on linux desktop? I’m looking for something that I can use instead of Aegis, Google authenticator, or microsoft authenticator, but in my computer. Note: It’d be great if it is open source but I’m not closed to proprietary apps, as long as they work on linux
A chrome extension should do the trick
Another idea if you are willing to spend some money is to get a yubikey. Then the tokens are stored on a separate hardware key and it has great android and Linux apps to access codes
as long as you don’t have more than 32 accounts
There is a limitation on the amount of accounts? I didn’t knew that and that sucks …
keepassxc has 2fa support
Ente Auth
Seconding KeePassXC. Has good browser integration too.
OTP is built in to many password management applications. I use pass and the pass-otp extension.
You can also use OATH Toolkit’s oathtool(1).
If you use Gnome and Flatpaks there is an app called Authenticator on Flathub
Bitwarden, it’s a password manager but you can also use it for 2FA.
You can also self host it via vaultwarden. But I think it works regardless if you don’t want to sync, maybe just a local copy
If you use KDE Plasma and want an app which looks like your other Qt apps: https://apps.kde.org/keysmith/
What exactly do you want it to do? You can implement TOTP with a 10 line python script and I probably have a few of those kicking around. I’ve ended up doing that at least a couple of times.
Some great recommendations in here already. If you’re looking for an OTP only UI: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator