Hi there, I decided the app is ready to see a first stable release after the project “relocation”.
Here is the changelog of this version compared to the latest beta:
- fix: ripple effects (e.g. top bar titles, drawer drop-down button);
- fix: video rendering in timelines and attachment detail;
- feat: button to reveal sensitive images in timelines;
- enhancement: update “Saved” label for bookmarks;
- enhancement: update font scale factors;
- enhancement: change default name of settings JSON when exporting;
- chore: dependency updates (most notably, Compose Multiplatform 1.7.1);
- chore: update
Hope you like it, have a nice rest of the weekend and remember to #livefasteattrash 🦝
I forgot to ask an important question: I am considering submitting the app to some stores now that we have a “real” release.
I would start with F-Droid and IzzyOnDroid, what do you think? Do you have any other recommendations?
deleted by creator
More the merrier. I am not sure about the appeal of other stores compared to Fdroid. But if it increases choice, why not!
… afterwards all the others
I do not see any mention of change of app ID or something which makes the new release lose any customization and login details from old one.
Please add it to change log.
I’ll put a disclaimer in the readme page.
Thanks I will try.
I wanted to select
raptor rehabbers
but I think because of the link embedded in the same paragraph it’s not really possible, is there any way to fix that?the post including aforementioned paragraph
to make it easier to reproduce, scroll that paragraph with
raptor rehabbers
upto the top, like in the screenshot below, and then try to make selection, it will jump way down by itself (?)
it also happens if there are more than on paragraphs (no embedded links needed)
when paragraph is on the top, selecting whatever text makes it jumps down, tested on comment by:
- calamityjanitor@world
and comments by:
- lettuceeatletucce@ml
- lussy@heaxbear
- lenieljerron@world
all comments contain more than 1 paragraph
Have you tried opening the “View raw” dialog with the “…” drop-down menu on the comment?
I could not reproduce it anyway, by long clicking on the comment text.
There are 2 comments about this bug, can you make a screenshot by doing it as I wrote in second comment, with part of this paragraph way UP TOP?
Ok, now I reproduced it… I’ll open an issue for it so that I remember.
I guess I wasn’t hallucinating, which proves that I’m not a robot 🤫