Edit: particularly Nintendo haha

I think itscalled a Lets play or something

    • Electric_Druid
      31 month ago

      He was known as the Drift King back in college, don’t ya know.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I love Mapo! He’s always super thorough with his playthroughs and finds so many hidden things it’s impressive.

      I also recommend ChristopherOdd as well for more strategy based games.

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    I started Game Grumps over a decade ago, and still enjoy most videos to one degree or another. Most games they don’t finish, but they always have at least one game that they are working through

    • Electric_Druid
      11 month ago

      With as much controversy that channel has had, I’d steer clear

  • @janonymous
    21 month ago

    Not quite what you are looking for, but tehsnakerer is my favorite YouTuber who plays through video games. Not quite let’s plays, though, more extensive critiques

  • @RebekahWSD
    11 month ago

    Loading Ready Run doesn’t always play through a game, as they make a lot of stuff, but they do have a thing called Play It Forward where they do do that. There’s several competed games in there, I think. They’re all streams first so not very edited though.