Not sure who was making this one? Thanks to Goddess for doing the last couple.
Mattress salespeople are absolutely insane.
Kept feeling like I was a hot chip surrounded by seagulls.
I’m amazed we made it out of Nunawading alive
Did you make out alive with a mattress, or was mission unsuccessful?
We’re really just dipping our toes in the water to see what we like.
If they’d been a bit more chill we would have stuck around and bought something.
But each area felt too staked out. We had 6 different salespeople try to get us at Snooze.
Massive turnoff. Just wanted to get out.
Ick. That’s a large part of why I ended up with a mattress-in-a-box instead, I really didn’t want to deal with all that. And I’ve been pretty happy with it - plus they are sending me a new mattress topper which the Koala matresess all come with now (but didn’t when I bought mine) so it might even get better when that arrives!
I’ve tried floating the idea to Mr Smeg before but he’s very insistent on try before buy.
So I feel there will be more pushy salespeople to deal with in my immediate future.
Might try the FTG store next time
I liked that you could try out the mattresses and return them if you didn’t like them for a full refund - most allowed around three months. Just lying on them in store isn’t the same as actually sleeping on them for a full night. I figured worst case scenario I didn’t like any of them and just bought myself some time to make a final decision. But I was happy with the first one.
I love the concept but Mr Smeg is a NO person by default.
For the same reason I wasn’t able to convince him on certain couches only available online that were the perfect fit for our tiny loungeroom.
If it’s not in a physical store it doesn’t exist to him.
You should have laid down on the mattress and when they ask “Can I help you with anything?” you reply “A cup of tea would be great thanks”.
Or asked for some lube if I really wanted to make them uncomfortable
And some bikkies
I blacklisted a store, the mattress sales people were so weird and pushy.
Snooze Nunawading may be blacklisted after this
Oasis Sleep near Savemore supermarkets was the place.
Good morning, DT!! bindlesspins present and accounted for. What’s on for the day?!
Just had a good sauna session.
I should study today and finish my assignments. we’ll see…
Oooh, sauna.
One of the things I want to get for the new place if I possibly can is one of those infrared saunas.My boss has one and he loves it. You can get them for a pretty reasonable price too
Ooh sauna! I’m trying to use the sauna at my gym more and more. It feels good but I get antsy very quickly. Probably should take my headphones in.
Only take your headphones in if it’s infra red. The dry sauna will absolutely cook your headphones.
Takes a bit of getting used to with building up how long you can stay in it. The one I use is super intense. About 80-90 degrees.
I can handle half an hour normally but if they keep splashing the rocks I start fading around the 20 minute mark 🥵
Super lazy sunday 😁 maybe do the laundry
I’m about to take advantage of this sunshine and go for a walk for coffee. Mmm!
I’ll attempt (half heartedly) to do some housework I didn’t do yesterday. The mini peelers need their school uniforms washed so that’s first cab off the rank. Then I’ll produce some kind of chicken dish, maybe my ginger plum sauce chicken.
I need to get some housework done today, it’s so never ending! What time should we all be over for chicken?!
Good morning!
Hope you have an excellent day!
Working☹️. Hopefully not too hard.
Hope it goes fast!
ayy you made it.
Yeahhhh! Thank you!!
Cats are hounding me while I try and do the housework. Its cute but the kitten plays with everything but his toys when he wants me to play. Vaccuum scares the shit out of them, so that’s my hack. They’ll leave me alone if I leave it running while doing other chores. Already done an aa meeting. Have loads of laundry to put away, dishes to do… domestic stuff. later go for a walk. My body is kinda fucked up and I now walk with a limp for some reason.
Bf’s cat has been super demanding this morning, so I’ve been walking around with his laser pointer to play with him, but now he’s trying to drink my Berocca. Good call on the vacuum, good luck with getting your other domestic stuff done!
Just puttering today rather than initial plan of walking to the main strip and checking out the little market - feel like I’ve worn myself out the last few days doing the gottas on top of trying to get out more per doctors’ suggestions.
Really want to tackle clearing Mum’s room as part of Operation Sort Shit - I pulled everything around trying to clear a specific area and now it looks like a total mess.Take care of yourself, Trin! If you need a rest day, you need a rest day!
I did my research last night for where I’d go for breakfast in Bright, walked up to it in the chilled morning drizzle eager for some (reviewer described) fluffy yellow eggs and coffee only to find, to my horror, that a sign on the door said “We are closed for annual leave until June 26, sorry we missed you”
I was so disappointed I left town immediately. I drove without a specific destination, in search of a place of fluffy yellow eggs and delicious coffee.
I find myself now in Wangaratta, sat inside a cafe I spotted as I drove through the city centre. Eggs ordered, sipping my coffee and listening to my audiobook through my headphones. The sun is shining.
What a terrible disapointment. I am very glad the story has a happy ending.
Spontaneity is such my jam. I so enjoy your little snippets.
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Oh, but don’t worry! As soon as action starts, it’ll blow your eardrums out :)
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This is why I’m team permanent subtitles
Same. Too bad the option isn’t available in cinemas. They should have sessions where the movie has subtitles throughout the whole movie
That’s my dream one day
How good would it be to be able to understand the whole damn movie. Like it’s 21 century and yet when they have characters speaking in another language often times instead of translating in English so we know what’s been said it show [speaking in insert that countries’ dialogue] so you’re just sitting there like, wtf did they say though. Ok so it’s that countries language but what’s the conversation if you don’t know that language. Like what is that?!?! How do they get away with doing that so often?!?!
Me too, although I hate it when the subtitles spoil the punchline of a joke.
A small price to pay
I’ve turned on subtitles for so many shows recently, it’s ridiculous.
I have solutions for this depending on which device I’m using.
If I’m watching my TV, my soundbar has a Voice button which has 3 levels which it will boost the center channel to help with it, or I can connect my bluetooth headphones and they handle it better.
If I’m watching on my PC, I use some free software called FxSound which is an equalizer for Windows. Even just installing it and using the General profile is a noticeable improvement over the default balances but it also has sound profiles for Movies, TV, Transcription, Music, Voice, Volume Boost, Gaming, Classic Processing, Light Processing, Bass Boost and Streaming Video. I recommend installing FxSound for all Windows users, I have it on all of my computers.
If for some reason I’m using my phone, or using my phone to Bluetooth to my headphones or to my car stereo I use an equalizer on that (Android) called REEQ which has preset profiles or you can make custom ones. That app has definitely increased the quality of the audio from and streamed from my phone.
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It’s infuriating sometimes. I think a dedicated centre channel might be the go.
It’s so annoying. But why is it so? Never used to be a problem with regular tv, or dvds, is it a feature of streaming technology, or is it just currently fashionable to make voices indiscernible? I always have to watch with subtitles on.
@[email protected]
is the Fiji water photo at sunrise today.
Now I’m in Suva after having spent the week on an island paradise but still a few more days before flying back to cold Melbourne.
Oh the pic is gorgeous. I’ve heard of Suva. (Never been) thank you for posting the photo. Have an amazing rest of your trip. Drink up that warm weather as you’ll be sad when you get back. We have a whole top of 11C tomorrow 😢
Also thank you for adding the little description, helps for any vision impaired people
Look at that calm Pacific water. So beautiful. 😍
Are you on Leleuvia?
Good spotting! I sure was.
I was there last year and took pretty much exactly the same photo!
I have drafted a no doxxing clause to add to the community guidelines
I feel like turning rules-based ideas like “don’t dox people” into positive values-based statements is a very healthy experience. I need to do this in more areas of my life 🙂
I am meat!
I am poultry!
I am actually a dog.
I’m not the girl in my avatar.
I am potato!
If someone is feeling reach-ey out-ey… Here’s some DT member names pulled from my RES:
5ivesos 40087812 akoya17 alsotheabyss antaresiac awake-asleep batarians betsymcduff bottom_racer camobilly casper_louisiana cherrytortoni dickiegreenleaf84 dndunlessurgent doughnutdrake etonmiss88 forgottensloth ghostghost31 ill_imagination5135 jmemequeene justchloe kvltc0re kidwithgreyhair lozzaness meantbent3 megamoist69 meljay0204 momoster96 omegatau ponte92 purplemo rekt_by_inflation saxmachine slappyxo starbabynoir taxisonoqui tinybreak turbulent_holiday473 weatherproofmonkey whinersarewieners
miss_cellophane starts and ends with underscores but Lemmy is trying to italicise their username
Some of these people are probably already here.
Bacon’s doc is here:
You can edit without needing to login/signup. 💪🏻
Edit: Also dumblederp, way to go on the names! I recognise a bunch, but wouldn’t remember them off the top of my head.
Thanks Llab, have updated.
No worries! 🖤
Ooo I just remembered one… Does anyone know, was it ntc16??. I remember them being good at quizzes?
Oh I’m here !!
Hello! I’m here 🖤
It’s weirdly touching seeing DT 2.0 coalesce
Nawww! I was low key wondering if I hadn’t shown up if someone would reach out. Thank you. How’d we forget ghostghost? And omegatau! And saxmachine?! Oh my god we left so many behind!
I posted to the Melbourne peregrine falcon, mental health and photography subs telling them that we were here. Then u/Penguin_in_the_sand responded and told me about a new sub called MelbourneDailyThread and told me to post on there as well, so I did. It’s weird how all the other Melbourne-related subs are still alive and kicking, just not the actual main sub! Felt weird to me anyway.
hello hello everyone! how are we all on this fine day?
Hi I’m great. Just did a bit of gardening and had a small chat with neighbour. I’m hungry now🙂
Not bad, a bit vague.
Getting some cooking done. 1 cake down, now spag bol to go
ooh. cake. what variety of cake?
Choc. It may not last the day given there’s a teenager lurking
You need to make a diversion cake to keep the teenager occupied, and have a second backup cake on hand to snack on yourself.
Ha! Good idea! Will try that next time. There is a good chance the teenager can eat 2 cakes in 1 day, though. I might have to resort to hiding one
Just spent the last few hours at the office “redecorating” for a coworker who’s back from leave tomorrow. Cow themed. I’ve never been more productive
Is the theme because they are a coworker?
A former coworker who mooved on to greener pastures left a couple cows as mascots. They’ve now taken over and are demanding higher pay(hay?) And greener grass hehehehe
So were you mooving things around?
I’m sure your co worker will be udderly delighted by your very mooving gesture.
I have just discovered there is a reference for all the emojis.
It has an official list of what they actually represent (which is what is read out when using text to voice software) and shows you what they actually look like on different platforms. You can paste an emoji into the search bar to look up what it means. Very handy if you are like me and spend way too much time wondering if that little face is actually smiling or grimacing.
Ahaha, I am so sure I use mine wrong all the time.
I realised yesterday when the blackbird in my name showed as a red bird and a black square on my PC just how different they can display too. And all the little faces are so small, there are quite a few I can’t tell what they are supposed to be.
For ages I was using what I thought was a cheesy grin, when in fact it’s a grimace
Good morning! This is your Chef speaking. For ingredients purchase purpose I have made a roll call spreadsheet. Please check that your name is there, and add those who are missing / you’ve messaged. There are a couple of people whom we can’t remember the names of. Would be great if you know their names. Much appreciated.
I haven’t seem mr_snrub (I think thats’s the name right but not 100% sure)
mr-snrub- Added thank you
I was u/Positive_Complaint on Reddit… felt like a change as that name was one of the random generated names Reddit offered me, even though I liked it. I think there was a Supersnazz or similar who was doing Australia’s cheapest house type posts for a while.
Thanks! Added to list
Ooo, you sorted it! Just messaged piixiepinup.
Thank you!
I wish I could be of more help, but I mostly remembered people by their flairs, I remember some people’s names too, but mostly just flairs
Has anyone messaged geetwo? Or our resident American from Washington (I can’t remember his username)
Just messaged geetwo ✔️
geetwo was the very first one I messaged. Oh yes what’s our American called, can’t remember his name either
u/Snazzy21. I DM’d them just now.
thank god
snazzy something…
thanks, useless modern god has messaged him
If anyone needs a support/venting space it’s geetwo guy… Hope he makes it.
I messaged danimeh (can’t work out how to edit the spreadsheet, lol)
thanks, added
I messaged Taleya
Present 🎁.
Edit: can’t recall exact username but gptodd or something? The guy that has given people airport lounge passes and has done some other really generous stuffThanks, can’t find their name but I have added it.
nice potato thank you
Reminder if you haven’t yet to pop yourself and any others contacted on Bacon’s spreadsheet:
Seeing that Snazzy21 has been ‘contacted by god’ gives me the giggles each time I see it.
God works in mysterious ways
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Oooh this was a co-ordinated migration to Explains why /c/Melbourne is by far the most active community here 🙂
Not sure how co-ordinated it was but there’s definitely a story here. I sort of migrated earlier than most here. It’s an impressive community and I hope everyone wants to stick around the fed.
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Hehe i love strategic dashes!
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What would you guys’ love to see added to Lemmy? Personally, I kinda miss the Reddit trophies, how am I going to feel superior to all of you who signed up 4 days ago if I can’t flex ending up in the x year club 2 days earlier???
You make an interesting point. I was reading Lemmy documentation and some GitHub discussion regarding gamification. I did like the little fun things/quirks of Rdt, but can also understand the reasoning for why/why not.
I am honestly just impressed that members of the DT have put effort in to keep going. So just seeing everyone’s posts for the time being is enough for me. Funny how when it closed the first time, I had things that I was like, I’ll do my little brain dump/share to DT, and then realised I couldn’t and it was admittedly silly and sad at the same time.
Automod tools and the ability to pin comments within posts is high on my list at the moment. But mostly better sort tools and the ability to create custom feeds. Although working with a couple of different accounts is a bit like having custom feeds.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting we don’t have automod
The midnight crew have been doing a great job starting the new daily post each day. The person who does it gets naming rights to the day.
I kinda like that. If we do eventually migrate to a bot, I’d love it if we could get the community to propose ideas for names and the bot to randomly pick one
Instead of cake day you get pikelet day, that’s what happens. Whether or not this is ‘superior’ depends on context.
For starters, a Terms of Service might be a good idea.
First actual night sleep since Wed. This tum bug is the rudest.
I think half my carry-on luggage will be TP when i fly out on Tues. Funny to think but 3 years ago customs would probably question you about that.