Regarding the UFO sessions being held in the US currently, what would you like to see happen, and what do you think will actually happen?

Personally I’d like to see: -Any proof that conclusively shows that this isn’t some kind of weird disinfo / smoke show by the US -Actual physical evidence of living or deceased aliens or their craft -Details of communication that has occurred (if any)

I think we’ll actually see: -Talk -Claims -Discussion

  • sock
    2 years ago

    i think we’ll see… NOTHING theres no aliens coming here but ufos do exist

    if i throw a rock ur direction and u dont know what it is its a ufo without an alien in it B)

  • howler
    2 years ago

    I am still skeptical over all of this. It is just my nature. I am in the “I want to believe” camp, but just cant bring myself to believe it until I see it. I believe Fravor saw a tic-tac shaped object that defied physics. I believe we see UAPs all the time. I am not so sure that we havent developed some technology somewhere, that allows us to do unimaginable things like these craft have done. I know the arguments as to why it makes no sense that they are where they are doing what they are doing… I get the counters to what I think… but it doesnt make me stop thinking that it is most likely what it is.

    Grusch (sp) is not Fravor. If he is being honest, great… that is great. But there is something in his body language i didnt like. I feel like he enjoys the spotlight to tell his story, more than he enjoys tellling his story.

    To answer your question though, lets just say for a moment that what he is saying is true… that we have recovered craft, and some contained non human organics, and that they are aliens. I dont thikn we hear anything fast. I think there will continue to be meetings that get hushed up, while they formulate a system of responses. The public wil be the last to know.

    Also in regards to this being a smokescreen for the Hunter Biden garbo… lets not forget that this could also be a smokescreen for the torrent of Trump indictments and legal woes. It seems like this distraction serves both sides equally… which to me, makes it all more of a viable diversion.

    • LeadSoldier
      2 years ago

      I agree with you on body language. I have credentials in this area but it is silly to say on the internet. It only takes about 5 seconds of seeing this guy talk before you realize something is wrong.

      I fully believe aliens are real. I don’t know if we’ve come in contact with them, but being a former intelligence agent with the highest levels of clearance in America, I can tell you that we wouldn’t be able to keep the secret.

      If this guy had seen UFOs and aliens, he wouldn’t be worried about breaking security rules.

  • DaughterOfMarsM
    2 years ago

    It’s wild the lengths people will go to so they can avoid updating their beliefs. They would rather believe that the US found a dog in a crashed Russian rocket and mistook it for an alien, or that the government would hire two pilots and a high-ranking intelligence official to testify under oath in front of Congress just to distract from…what exactly? Hunter Biden’s laptop?

    Look, I get it. Nobody wants to look like a gullible idiot – but enough is enough. Yes, people have and will continue to be ridiculed for this, but you don’t have to participate in the cycle. As they say, either get with it, or get out of the fucking way. We’re going to drag this fucked up culture into the interstellar age, kicking and screaming.